Almost there

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its been about a month now since they arrive to Wakanda and it seem has Bucky treatment was going well. Ayo was training Bucky before they meet up on the evening for their appointment. 

 "Hey Ayo its 1pm already i can call my Doll now right?" Bucky asked while they get some refreshments. she shook her head and gave a fade smiles, " yes yes i know, the phone it there, just to be clear its only 5 min remember"

"yeah, yeah" he said as he got the phone and dial her number.  mean while Nadia was with Shuri in her lab desiging Bucky new arm as the phone rings. " Nady I believe that is your phone rining" Shuri said as she pointed to the phone of the table. 

Nady role her eyes, " if its Tony for the third time today im going to scream." i said,"well i hate to brake it to you but you cellphone say's  my wolf and it.." i run to the tablet and grab my phone as run out of the room with Shuri behind me.

"hello?? Bucky?? can you hear me??" i ask " hi Doll yes i can here you, how are you doing today? Still working on the secret project with Shuri" he asked me as i noded and smiled. " yeah we almost done hopefully we will be done later today, what about you? how is everything on your side?" i asked him.

" im doing fine Doll, just wanted to hear your voice, you know it make my day" he smiled " this made me smiled and blush. " i miss you " i said , " i know Doll  i miss you too".

" it is time" Ayo said ." it hasnt been five minutes has it?" i can hear Bucky ask her as the line was silent for a second. " im sorry Doll i have to go, but i promise i will be seeing you soon ok?"

" yeah ok" i said sad as i held my phone close to me, " I'll see you soon..." " dont be sad Doll, im going to see you soon promise" he say as the line goes dead and im just stay staring at the screen.

Shuri then came to close to me and patted me on the back. " it's be alright sister, how about we finished that gift for him?" she asked me as i clean away my tears that i didnt know that were falling. "yeah ok" i replied while we walked back to the lab.

Ayo and Bucky then go over the final training as she began to say the commands frasses

. "Longing," "rusted,"   " its not going to work" "furnace," "daybreak," "seventeen," "benign," "its not going to work"  "nine," "homecoming," Bucky is getting nervous "one," and "freight car"  as Ayo said the final words they both notice Bucky was not under anyone commands.

" are you free, you are free" Ayo tell Bucky as he cries of Joy.

after that night  Ayo had inform the Royal family about the achievement of Sergent James Barns. " do you think it would be a good time to reunite them? " asked  Ta Challa. " I think they both have earn it." said Shuri " then it's decide they will see each other tomorrow, let them rest for now" Queen mother said. they all nodded.

___________________ the next day_______________

Before the sunrise Shuri went to get Bucky.

" Sergeant Barns, it is time to get up" Bucky grown as he get up, "Shuri this is earlier then usual time Ayo wakes me up, what going on? " he asked

" Well if you dont want to see your wife i could always just leave and not sneak you in" she said as this caught his attention as he got up

" She's Actually not my wife... not yet.. i haven't ask her properly" he said  sheepish as he grin as he touch his neck " well then maybe you need to fix that soon "Shuri said.

he just nods.

It was morning already and Nadia was having breakfast with the royal family. " Mother is Shuri going to be late again?" asked Nady at that moment the door open and Shuri and Bucky walks in. Nady stares at them. 

"Good morning Mother, Brother and sister I brought you a surprise" Shuri grins as she walks to her chair and seat down as Bucky walks in slowly not sure what to do. "Morning every one, I'm sorry I was told that..." at that moment Nady gets up and runs to him as she crashes into him almost making them both  fall to the floor.  

Bucky held her close to him . " I.. I miss  you so much!" she said in tears. " i know Doll im sorry. but im here now" Ta Challa comes and helps them up. "  it is nice to see you White Wolf, please come and take a seat the food will get cold" he said trying not to laugh 

"Come take a seat we have much to discuss" Queen mother said while they all walk back to the table. Bucky look at his girl and smile. " yeah we do"

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