letter to a sibling

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Hi Tony ,  im doing great.  I have been learning a lot of new stuff, well new stuff to me any way and yes i have been eating ok.  Also i may have used the suit to bring me some pizza too.  I didnt know that you didnt like the pizza I had asked Steve and he told me that sorry... umm i haven't paid  them yet.... I promise i will pay for them as soon as i get a job.

 Thank you for my birth certificate i can finally get an Id with my real name now, thank you. why do you call Steve Cap cycle? and Who is Happy??

Is.. is our house really still there?? can i really go and visit when ever i like? I think i would like to go soon if that ok? As of color for my room, i dont think i should have a room, i dont think i have earn it... but my favorite color is Lavender and black... maybe those colors? if that ok?

 i am safe where i am. It's feels like home i always thought a real home would feel like... not that your home wont feel like home , well i dont know but i do  have a gun feeling that it would feel like it...

 will it really be ok if i call you big brother? or should i stay calling you Tony?  thank you for the photo of mom and dad. If its ok I would like to take a picture with my new family? All of it please?

I would really like that, please no fighting??

If i can ask for one more thing, can I use the suit again but to bring me some of those PeanutButter and chocolate candy? 

p.s  your suit need some more update and i really like your A.I she is nice and be nice to Pepper, ok?

sign your little sister Nady.


Ayo enter the room 

" are you ready for you training little  she-wolf?" she asked as she gave me my new training uniform.

" yes sister Ayo, i'll be out in a moment...."she nodded as she walks out of my room. " wait... how. How is Bucky  doing? will i be able to see him seen?" i asked her since it been 2 weeks since i last saw him

She turn around and nodded no " in do time child"

she then left. " sight, i miss my home" i went to change 


hey guys should i make a pov of bucky during these time?

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