letter to a sibling

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Hi Tony... i know this will be weird but Steve said that this may help us understood each other, well at least try to know each other in a way.

Steve said that it be best if you dont know where im at right now, but that i should still try and write to you. So here i am.. trying to write a letter to someone i dont know but is family.

How shall i start? umm well  how about with my name? ok so my full name is Nadia Mary Stark but i guess you already know that... 

ok so my birthday is  the August 15, 1989, im not sure where i have never seen my birth certificate, i just say it when i hack Hydra system for the first time.

umm let see what else... oh i have been researching about you and the other avenger, not in a creepy way just what appear on the news about you guys and what Steve has told me about you guys. He say  you like to snack a lot and that your favorite thing to eat or cheeseburger? are they good? i have never tried one, maybe one day we can go and get ate some together and you can tell me stories about mother and father? Steve tell me stories but form when father was young and was a different person.

 sorry i got kinds carry away.. i think this is all i can write for now. so until next time i think.

sign, Nady

p.s i got email but dont try to track it to me, you wont be able to and if you try ill hack your suit and you wont be able to get it back XD

_____________end of letter_______________

Do you think he got the letter by now Shuri?" i asked while we where at her lab eating lunch.

" It was deliver by the Captain himself  Iam more then sure he must have gotten it by now"she informs me as she get  up

" come mother has requested our present in the training room" Shuri said

" already? but we  haven't finish our lunch yet"

she laught as she then turn, " do you wish to tell the Queen mother that?". "tell me what?"  we both jolt and got up as Queen mother enter the room, " nothing mother we were just going to see you now"

" i see that you both have still to finish eating, please continue you will need the strength for training"

"training?" i asked as i was a bit confused

" yes, i thought it would be of great use for you to experience life as a normal citizen" queen mother said as Ta challa enter the room

" only you mother would think it is of a normal persona to be train to fight " he said as he smiled as kissed her forehead. " there is nothing wrong with knowing how to protect one self, even more for a beautiful young lady, beside dont think i dont know you have her getting classes with Shuri " she scold him.

" queen mother please dont get angry over me" i said worry that they may start a fight over this. they all look at me surprised and a bit confused, " we are not fighting child we are just teasing each other, it normal in a family to tease one another "she tells me as i thought this was a bit odd

" oh... im sorry for my misunderstanding i didnt mean to be a problem" i said as i lower my head. " oh hush child you are nothing but a joy to be around," she come and hugs me " it has if i have another child, one that actually listen to me" he said while she looks at Ta Challa and Shuri.

"Queen Mother" Ayo enter the room and kneel, " you may raised Ayom how may i help you?"

" i am here to inform that i will begin with the treatment  for Seargent James Buchanan Barnes we will be leaving today"

" leaving?? where?? why?" i started to panic as queen mother looks at me , " calm child, he wont leave for ever how about you  go and see him before their journey to get better, ok?"  i nodded and follow Ayo to him... this is not going to be and easy journey for the both of us....


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