"Are you ok?!" I asked,

She smiled and nodded. "Oh, you okay?" Min Hyuk asked, I nodded. I saw the time and realized it was already 5pm. "Want to go to the arcade?" They nodded. I called everyone: Lay, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, and Sung Jae. They all agreed to come and meet up at the arcade.

Taehyung POV

Chae Kyung and I decided to meet up at the arcade, outside the bathroom. When we met, I gave her 50$ and she thanked me, "No problem, you acted really well." She nodded and left with a kind of regretful face. Softie. Now Sae Yeon won't be able to get out of my palm, I 'saved' her life.

Ashley POV

"I need the bathroom, be right back!" Sae Yeon nodded and I left them for now. When I got around the corner, I saw Taehyung and Chae Kyung. What the hell? Why is he giving her money? I'm too far to hear what they're doing...

Now that I think about it... there are more than one fitting room sections at the store... and I never told him which one along with which room number... It doesn't make sense that he found her that fast... That's it!

He hired her to knock Sae Yeon out just so he could save her! I wonder how she feels now... One problem after another, and almost everything is that alien's fault. Oh, he's coming! I need to pretend like I didn't see anything, I walked around the corner to see Taehyung walk past me with Chae Kyung following him. Tch, just wait until Sae Yeon hears this!

*dialling "BFFFFF<3"*



"What? Oh, then hurry up and come here! The alien here is hanging out with us too, and I'm scared, I think he's getting a little too close to me..."


I got pushed to the ground. The hell, Chae Kyung? Oh crap.

Sae Yeon POV

"Ashley... ASHLEY!" She ended the call, but something seemed wrong. Min Hyuk came up to me,

"What's wrong? Hey, keep your distance!" He said to Taehyung as he smirked. The alien went up to Chanyeol and them to hang with them, and they seemed pretty welcoming from here. Whatever, I need to get to Ashley. "Min Hyuk, you can just stay here..." I didn't want him to worry about us. He nodded and went back to the boys, meanwhile I ran to the bathrooms to see Chae Kyung staring at Ashley who is on the ground.

"What the hell did you hear, huh?"

"I heard EVERYTHING Chae Kyung! Just wait, 50$ isn't enough to get you bailed out for attempted murder."

"What?! I didn't even attempt to murder her!"

"Well it sure seemed liked it!"

50$...? What is she talking about?! I ran in and push Chae Kyung out of the way and I helped Ashley up.

"What is your problem?! First you knock me out, and now it's Ashley?! What about 50$? Who gave it to you?!" Chae Kyung tried to run, but Ashley was pissed. She grabbed her collar and pulled her up to the wall. "Tell. Sae Yeon. The. Truth." Chae Kyung nodded and told me everything, how everything was set up, how Taehyung was trying to get on my good side. Now I know for sure he's trying to take over our company, and to think I was going to thank that jerk. I went back to where they were, and great, Jin, Jungkook, Rap Monster, and Suga were there too. I need to pull him out.

Taehyung POV

I hope she doesn't find out, I doubt it though. I have to at least make her like me, so she wouldn't mind me taking over Jungkook Empire instead of her. I like her-- What? I mean I love my family, and the only way to repay my parents is by doing what they want...


"What do you mean you don't like taking business classes?!" Father yelled.

"Dad, it's so boring!"

"You have Jimin there!"

"But Dad, I like going to the mall with my friends, but I never can because of business classes!"

"Taehyung! You are in the 8th grade, pretty soon, you're gonna take over! If this is about a girl..."


Father hit me, "Yeobo!" Mother cried.

"Don't bring up her name in this house. You know what her house's relationship with ours is. You're going to marry a girl named Sae Yeon in the future, and you're going to merge her company with ours so our family name will grow whether you like it or not. We're going to have dinner with her on Saturday. Don't miss it." And with that he left. Not even caring a bit about my bruised cheek. Then and there, I chose to go on a date with a random girl that asked me out on Saturday just to piss my dad off, and I've got to admit, it worked. But the moment I saw her at school... I regretted it, a lot.

Sae Yeon POV

Oh forget it. "Taehyung, follow me." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the corner of the bathroom, but I knew Min Hyuk's eyes followed me, I'm so sorry, Min Hyuk. Just wait.

"What's up, fiancee--?" My arm just automatically rose up to slap him when I had the thought of Chae Kyung abusing me. He looked at me with his hand at his cheek, but I don't care right now.

"How could you? And I thought you weren't that bad. Think about all the things you did? Bullying Sung Jae? It doesn't seem like a big thing to you.. but what he felt is what I felt when she hit me. She slapped me, she punched me, and I have to cover everything with make up!"

He just stared at the ground, and I don't know why but tears just streamed out of my eyes. "How could you?" I started punching him, "I thought I could trust you..."

A/N: :/

MH: What?! What?!


TH: ><

MH: ._.

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