Chapter 15:(TW: SA)

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Damien left, I wish I could hold my Man and be with him every second of the day. My cat lay next to my chest as I texted Damien. I suddenly felt my chest get heavy as I heard my brother's footsteps down the hall. I bolted to my door swiftly as I made sure it was locked. My older sibling tried to open the door but it didn't open. I started to get blurry vision as my hands shook violently as his voice boomed, "Alester, Alester, OPEN THE DOOR!!." I silently ran and hid in the bathroom closet. I looked at the bathroom door and the closet door. I texted my Mom, "When are you coming home?" (at 2 pm). My Mom called me at 3 pm. She said, "Hi Alester. I'll be home in like thirty minutes." I suddenly heard my older sibling yell, "ALESTER LET ME IN BEFORE MOM COMES HOME!!!!" Mom asked quietly, "Why does he want to go into your room?" I started to cry as I whimpered, "He wants to hurt me." She said sternly, "I'll be home way sooner."

A few hours later my Dad drove my brother somewhere and my Mom stayed with me in my room. My Mom asked, "What did he do to you?" I whispered a few years ago before he was dating his girlfriend he would....he...would sneak into my room and hurt me in so many ways but his favorite was to force me to kiss him and touch him. He would hit me with his belt if I didn't put my mouth." My Mom gave me a horrified look as she asked, "When did this happen?" I stated, "When I was in elementary school and middle school...he stopped when I started high school." She covered her mouth in shock. The next thing I knew my Mom took me shopping to take my mind off of what happened. We went to hot topics and got some good outfits. My Mom also bought me a gay guy pride flag for my room. When we were on the way home I kept ranting about all the research I did on my new hiper fixation on snakes.

My Dad barged into my room all mad. I started to shake violently as he yelled, "Why did you accuse your brother of fucking your ugly gay ass who would want you?!!!!" I smiled as tears filled up my eyes. I could only think of all the times my brother brother........NO!....."SHUT UP! PLEASE YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE DID!!!!!" My father looked at me like he was about to cry but quickly got mad again as he yelled, "Your LYING!! He had tears sliding down his cheeks. My Mom came running up the steps and dragged my Dad out of my room. I grabbed Damien's sweatshirt and pulled it on. My Mom and Dad were screaming at each other. I can't handle this shit right now. I grabbed Ash and my backpack as I snuck out the front door. I saw Damien outside with Juniper and Silas. As soon as Silas saw me they walked up to me and said, "Why do you have Ash?!" They stared at the bag for a moment as they realized my parents must be fighting. Silas looked at Damien as he said, "Alester should hang out in your room with you. (he looked back at me as he said) I'll stay for as long as I can but I have to go home soon." I nodded quietly.

I stayed over at Damien's house for a whole month. Damien snuck into my room to get my stuff and my cat's stuff the first few days. Damiens's Mom seems to like me. I grabbed Damien roughly as I whimpered, "Please don't let go of me. I just need more attention just for a bit ... .Sorry, that sounds rude." Damien whispered tiredly, "It's fine I want to cuddle you longer." I started to remember my Mum saying, "You can't just cast Alester to the side and pretend his brother didn't do those things. You and I both know that Alester would get hurt because of his brother in odd ways and that Alester was terrified to be alone with him." I could hear their soft screams in my head as I began to panic. Damien whispered, "It's alright love I won't let anyone hurt you I promise." I pressed my face into his chest as I muttered, "I want you to bite me roughly...if you also want to." Damien didn't bite me, instead, he sucked on my neck until he left hickeys.

My Mom called me yesterday to tell me that my brother moved out last week. I asked her, "Is Dad still mad at me?" My Mom stated, "He isn't mad at you, he was just in shock and didn't want to believe your brother could hurt you like that. He doesn't believe that you could lie about something like that either." I'm currently putting half of my stuff into my closet. I'm not going to move back into my room completely in case something happens. Damien started kissing my neck softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I gasped for air as I bit his shoulder lightly......I suddenly got a flashback to when I was in fifth grade Damien fell on top of me in the playground one day. I remember that was the first time my body got excited. I gripped Damien tighter as I dug my nails into his back. Damien kissed me softly as I touched him roughly.

My parents had another fight tonight. This time Damien heard it so he came over to my house and helped me get my stuff out of my room. Damien and I spent the night planning what we would do about the living situation.  Juniper and Silas told us we could all live together in the new house they bought a month ago. They told us they had plenty of room and my cat (Ash) would have a small room for his cat litter. We spent all summer break working on moving in together. We ended up having so much fun having game nights twice a week and Silas makes most of the meals. I'm actually happy!! I finally found my home. I have my dream family and my Lover/ partner/ partner in crime. I can't imagine living without these beautiful people.

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