Chapter 7:

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I grabbed my stuff as I jumped out my window. I saw Damien with his Mum, they were on the porch drinking and chatting. I quickly grabbed my bike and drove off. I drove to my friend's house and knocked on the door to see Silas. Silas asked, "How did you get here that fast? I just texted you to come over." I stated, "My parents were fighting again." I went inside as Silas stepped out of the way. I opened my bag as he closed the door. I pulled out a bong with a bunch of weed in it. Silas took the bong out of my hand and took me upstairs to his room.....

I lit the bong as I took a long hit. Silas asked, "How's your "hot stuff?" Are you guys good?" I nodded as I grabbed my notebook out of my bag, I handed Silas the notebook. He flipped through my notebook slowly as he studied each picture....

 He flipped through my notebook slowly as he studied each picture

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I whispered to Silas, "I....I'm ok....I-I just had a few rough days that's all." Silas nodded but quickly stopped as he stated, "You need to move out of that house. You know you can move here, right?" I glared at the floor as I thought about how Damien...he wouldn't like me being far away from him but also he'd probably be worried about me being alone without being able to check up on me. I grabbed a bag of edibles and ate one to calm down my loud thoughts. Silas grabbed me gently as he pulled me into a soft hug......

I woke up to see Silas lying on the floor cuddled up in his blankets. Shit, I did it again, didn't I? I probably kicked Silas out of his bed while high and yelled at him while laughing, "Stop this is my bed!" When I get high I laugh a lot and act like a small child unless I'm around Damien. With Damien, I act super sexual even though I don't like sex. Damien always ends up wrapping me in a blanket or holding me so I can't try to do something stupid.....because I have tried to run away once (that's not even the worst thing I tried to do). Silas slowly got up as he noticed I was awake. Silas asked in a tired tone, "Do you remember what happened last night?" I shook my head to say no. Silas went on and stated, "You got high and started to ramble on and on about Damien. You told me that you wanted to make it so he couldn't walk.....but then you started having a panic attack. You kept switching back and forth from talking about how much you love Damien but would start to panic when you said anything aggressively sexual. You also somehow found my alcohol stash before that sp you were super drunk."

I pulled off the covers to see pants were down ...I had fresh cuts on my boxers were rolled up to my crotch. I felt my hands shake violently as I slowly looked at Silas. Silas didn't look as horrified as I imagined he'd be. Silas grabbed a medical kit under his bed. Silas helped wrap up my legs. I asked Silas in a concerned and confused tone, "Why aren't you horrified or freaking out at me?" He stated, "I saw your scars and the fresh cuts in the gym before we were friends. The blood would bleed through your boxers. I wanted to help you and make sure you had someone so I became your friend besides your awesome friend." I hugged him tightly as I felt a tear drip down my cheek. I whispered in their ear, "I love you...platonically of course." I pulled away slowly as I whipped the tear from my eye. I whispered, "Can you please make me a small breakfast and watch a wholesome movie with me?" Silas smirked softly at me and nodded.

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