Chapter 4:

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I got off the bus with Damien. Damien grabbed my wrist as he walked inside his house. We went into his room, he immediately shoved me onto his bed jokingly. I grabbed him to pull him down with me. We both laughed at each other's goofiness. I gripped him roughly as I stated, "Do this?......." He pulled away to hold me closer. Damien stated, "Of course, I like it when you hold me. I also like it when I hold you." He smirked at me with these soft kind eyes but a devilish grin. I pressed my face into his chest. Damien asked, "Weren't we supposed to help each other pick out outfits if you're gonna be my date it better be good." I looked up at him as he spoke but I wasn't listening instead I got lost in his beautifully enchanting eyes. I suddenly leaned in to kiss him...he gripped my shoulder roughly...but he kissed my lips delicately as if he was scared that I would disappear. It feels as if I can feel everything he can feel...he's scared to lose me. He's scared I don't love him. He feels dizzy but in a gentle, happy kind of way. He's happy that I want him. I feel ... .anxious about whether or not he will stay in my life. I feel guilty because I'm happy because of someone's actions for once. No one has ever made me happy like Damien does. I want him to be mine because I'm already his. I want him to want me like I want him.

Damien grabbed my collar roughly (our lips were about two inches away from each other) as he stated, "If we don't stop kissing you're know what...." I blushed red as I looked down at our laps. I whispered to him, "What if I let you?" He looked at me like I just said the most out of character thing. I glanced down as I started to think I said something wrong. He pulled me closer to him as he stated, "I rather cuddle with you until we have a title for our relationship....or at least have rules." I stated, "Oh ok.....Wait!....ok first rule you can't flirt with other people unless it's your friends and it's only a joke. 2 If we are gonna have a romantic relationship with or without a label it needs to be closed and if you do any romantic type thing with anyone else it's considered cheating. 3 I want to see you outside of school and spend time with you at least once a week or three times a week if you want. Those are my rules but I can change them a bit if you want me to accept the closed relationship thing because I get jealous too easily especially since you're a flirty guy." Damien smirked as he stated/ asked happily, "Wait so you get jealous when I flirt with people?!"

I'm so freaking happy!! Alesters actually MY boyfriend!! "EEEEEK" Shit, I did that out loud. I wanted him so badly hehe now he's mine, "EEEEEEk! Haha," I grabbed my backpack as I realized I forgot to text him yesterday. I opened my phone and I saw he texted ten times yesterday. 

His texts stated, "Hey WYD?" (4 pm)

"Nevermind I saw you hanging with your friend" (7 pm)

 "Shit. Sorry my last text sounded creepy. I was high and super out of it" (9 pm)

 "Good night Love" (10 pm). 

I texted him back, "Sorry I went to sleep early last night and forgot to turn my ringer on" (9:00 am) 

Alester texted back, "It's ok," "Wanna hang out today?" (9:04 am). 

I texted back, "Definitely" (9:05 am). I packed a hoodie to give Alistair.....yes I sprayed my cologne on it ... ..yes it was his favorite cologne I wear. I walked to his house at 10:00 am. Alester was alone in his house. Alester asked, "Do you wanna go into my room?" I nodded, and we climbed the stairs to his upstairs.

When I walked into Alester's room I saw that his room was surprisingly covered with skeletons and not-so-innocent pictures of guys (they were obviously paintings he bought off Amazon). I quickly shut the door as I gripped his hand gently. I want him to always be mine and only mine (well only mine in sexual/romantic scenes). Alester grabbed my other hand and moved it to my throat as he stated in his sexual tone, "I'm yours.....Are you mine?" I grabbed his throat slightly harder as I stated in a deep voice and a flirtatious tone, "Of course, I'm yours Darling...if I wasn't yours you'd definitely know my Love." Alester bit his lip as I leaned in to kiss him.........I suddenly had blurred vision as I collapsed to the floor. Alester grabbed my face and asked in a shaky voice, "Are you ok?" I mumbled, "Yes, Love I'm fine ... I'm just a bit out of it that's all. Alester asked in a concerned but calmer voice, "I'll get you something to eat and drink." He quickly left the room. It sounded like he jumped down the steps because he was so loud and fast.....When Aleister came back he had a bowl of fruit and a croissant that had jam and butter smeared on it. We devoured breakfast together. 

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