I picked up my bag, keys and phone before exiting my trailer. My phone vibrated which immediately grabbed my attention.

It was from Ana and Vee. They were asking what theme I was going with for my upcoming 27th birthday which is a fortnight away.

I chuckled to myself before sending a response of 'suprise me'. My phone then took its place in my bag as I took out my sunglasses and put them on.

The moment of when he accidentally broke the spear replayed in my mind. Not going to lie it actually gave me butterflies.

Weird I know but my crush on him has been growing since day one but I prefer to keep it to myself to prevent any humiliation and for me to be able to focus on myself.

He is such a funny, charismatic, attractive and kind person. Anyone with atleast half a brain cell could see that he was a perfect person.

My thoughts continued to pour until I eventually bumped into someone. I immediately fell back along my items.

"Oh my God I am so sorry Y/n." Sebastian apologized handing his coffee to Anthony and assisting me before picking up my bag and handing it to me.

"You're ok right?" I was immediately flustered but nodded to his question as I tried to hide my feelings.

"I'm just lost very deep in thought so I must be the one to apologize." "Oh my gosh just fuck already." Anthony groaned.

I immediately blushed and seems that Sebastian did the same for a brief moment before elbowing Anthony. "I must be on my way now. Goodbye." I uttered before dashing towards my car.

Once in the car park and in my car,  I leaned my head against the steering wheel as my face tried to lighten from the bright red.

I soon began to drive off to my mansion as the moment replayed in my head. The moment the door burst open I was trampled by Hades and surprisingly Midas and Cleo.

Kami emerged from behind the 3 dogs in causal clothing. "They really missed you and want to go on a walk." Once the three dogs heard 'walk' their tails wagged profusely.

"Mommy missed you all as well." I said in a baby voice as I played with Hades as the other two ran circles around me.

"Would you be a dear and pass me their leashes please?" I requested. She handed me a leash and helped me strap in the other two.

The two of us walked along the streets of England with my bodyguards a distance from us and the dogs barking with happiness.

"So how was the set today?" "It was good." "Did you confess?" She asked bumping into me playfully. "No Kami and I don't plan on doing so just yet."

"Is that Y/n?" A voice shrilled.  Our gaze shifted to two women around my age holding onto the other as they almost screamed.

"That question will have to wait love." I told Kami approaching the two girls. "Are you both fans?" "Fans? We're huge fans of your acting." "Really?" "Really. Can we get an autograph and picture?"

"I don't see why not." I agreed taking out a pen from my bag and signing their napkins and taking a selfish with the two.

I then returned to Kami who stood on the pavement holding all three dogs. We then continued our conversation as we walked.

"You have to leave for New York tomorrow right?" I nodded to to her question.

"Perfect. I'll set up your accommodation, transportation and the team of stylists are supposed to be leaving the same time you do."

We were supposed to film the scene of Peter returning to the MCU in New York.

I was excited as it would be my first time going to the city. Kami had already paid someone to pack my luggage for me.

After the afternoon walk, I headed straight to my bathroom for a bath.

I filled the tub and played 'Just the two of us' and sang along. It was mother's favourite song so I eventually grew a love for the song as well.

Brings back good memories. Kam left and locked the door behind her so it was just me in my home. It felt all too quiet and empty.

After my bath I stepped out of the bathroom in my robe and checked my messages to see that the plane was leaving at 9 tomorrow morning.

The tickets were bought already and the cast along with crew mostly boarding the plane.

I scrolled through Instagram to see what was new before I went off to Bedfordshire.


Apologies for nothing with Seb rlly but next chapter should have him.

The Actor's Child 《Sebastian Stan X Reader》Where stories live. Discover now