Bebe : no! I would rest at home. You both go and enjoy.

They bidding bye to Bebe left for the walk.

They walked through the park while talking when they spotted few familiar faces. They got engaged talking to them.

All of sudden, she felt urges to go back home and hide herself. She looks at swetha and calls her out.

Swetha : what happened? You okay?

Avni : mom.. can we please go back home? I don't feel well.

Swetha nodded her head and excusing themselves, they walked back to the mansion.

Avni rushed to her room avoiding swetha voice. She paused the door and got shocked seeing the room decorated. Her eyes widen and shock cleared writer over face.

She covers her mouth as she gasped looking at the room. She wondered what could be occasion and who would have done this. All she could think about him then thought how can he..

Her eyes travels across the room to the balcony when she saw a figure standing against the rails. Her foot froze up as she able to a step.

Her heart starts pounding faster as she wondered what if this is reality. What if she isn't dreaming about him being here standing in the balcony.

Taking a small steps, she approached towards him.
Standing behind him, she placed her hand on his shoulder after taking a deep breath.

Her breath hitched up as he turns around looking into her eyes. Her eyes welled with tears. Her mouth widens as she stares at him in a shock. She was amazed to see him standing front of him.

Her hand raised up to touch his face hoping she wasn't seeing a dream. She touched his face and tears flowed down her cheeks. She didn't bother to wipe it off.

Avni: are you here for real! You're actually standing front of me. Tell this is not a dream. Tell me this for real.

Her voice filled with pain and joy of seeing him. Her eyes didn't looked away, she fixed her gaze staring him so deeply.

As those escaped from his mouth. She craved to hear his soft and husky voice. Her heart wouldn't stop beating faster.

His hands raised up cupping her face in his hold. His thumb rubs cross her eyes wiping her tears off. His lips moves closer placing a kiss on her forehead.

A tear drops down as she felt his lips resting on her skin. Her body woken up the dream. She felt alive feeling so close to him. A touch she craved, finally it happened. Now she say it was definitely not a dream.

He was actually standing front of her. Her eyes closed up as she felt him kissing her forehead again. Her heart pounded as he caressed her cheek lovingly.

He took a step back and looks at her. His eyes fell on her stomach. His eyes widen as this wasn't something he expected to see or hear after coming back home. This was definitely unexpected for him.

His mouth wider opens as he looks at her with his eyes popping out. He couldn't believe. He was in shock seeing her in this condition..

His hand fell on her stomach and rested gently. His eyes met hers who was watching his action with filled tears in her eyes.

Neil : is this real... is this really happening? Love...

Avni bobbed her head making him drop to his knees. His eyes gazing hers then it dropped on her stomach. He held the stomach careful then he dropped a kiss on her stomach.

This moment was what she was waving to witness. Her dream did come true. It took some time but eventually it did happen. She couldn't be any happier than this.

Love never dies |completed|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat