34 : Shattered Hopes

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‌" His majesty karna?!"
An exclamation left her lips as he saw him standing infront of her with a mysterious smirk dancing on his lips..

Draupadi gaze travelled around the whole garden to witness not even a single senitals present there..her heart palpitated agitatedly as he sluggishly paced towards her..She endeavoured to smile but unfortunately it never came to her lips.. An anonymous feeling gyrated her heart ..albeit she didn't spill the beans to Arjun, she was cognizant about karn's special consideration and fascination towards her.. sometimes him casting side glances also didn't go undiscovered by her during this time span and this obviously made her feel agitated..

" Your Majesty..at this time?!"
She enquired anxiously as she glanced around..she became alerted..An emperor should follow his etiquettes and such meetings with courtesan at the odd hours of night will become a stain on her goodwill if it got discovered by outside world..

" Why?can't I come to visit my subjects?"
Karn asked casually...A warm smile bloomed on his lips.. striving to alleviate the thickness atmosphere,she  twisted her lips into a rictus smile and nodded reluctantly..

"If you had behested me, then I would have delighted you with my presence.. please pardon me if I offended you but a King is not supposed to visit courtesans at the odd hours of night "
Draupadi answered politely and Karn smirked.. draupadi fidgeted her fingers on the hem of her veil , squeezing out her displeasure..

"I respect your words.. but please Don't be so formal with me..look, I'm not standing infront of you as a king ,but I'm here as a man..and I'm here to applaud you for the spectacular performance that you've bestowed for me at the Enthronisation ceremony.."
draupadi inhaled a deep breathe as she heed his words..a smile bloomed on her lips as she nodded positively..

"Its my pleasure his majesty... nevertheless, I'm grateful for your kind words and appreciation"
Draupadi replied and was about to pivot on her heels, she heard karn again summoning her name.. suspiring a sharp breathe, she waverly swivelled her head and glanced at him

" I love the song you sang exclusively for me..to be honest, your mellifluous voice captured my heart.. I wish I could heed to your besotting voice everytime, everyday throughout my lifetime.."
Karn divulged as his eyes bore into her striking brownish orbs.. Her gorgeously deep and velvety brown iris which encompassed  her dazzling pupils felt like a magic realm for him..draupadi gulped her saliva as his fervent gaze lingered upon her..she swiftly averted her gaze , drew in a sharp breathe and articulated curtly

" That's not possible his majesty..I won't be there as you wish.. Hastinapur is indeed magnificent so as the hearts living here.. But I also have my homeland..one day I've to return there..i have to reunite with my family..i earnestly apologize if I sounded offensive, but accept the reality "

Nevertheless her voice was smooth, Karn beheld a bonfire blazing inside her  orbs with an ineffable aura..rather longings , he could behold a whirlwind of frenzy emotions storming inside her orbs....he felt like the palpitation of his heart ceased for jiffy..As per dhuryodhan's discovery ,the courtesan of Panchal ,the epitome of besotting beauty that hastinapur have ever witnessed had a slight liking on him..But here, he could see nothing but void ..A pang of dejected gyrated his heart as he gazed at her stoic countenance..
An emperor should preserve a certain decorum.. but today he transcended it and this made yagyaseni exasperated..she pivoted on her heels and paced back to the palace, leaving a bewildered karn behind..

" Bhrata karn .. you're already here ? It has been only some minutes since you left..May I know what made you retreat hastily"
As soon as karn set his foot inside his chamber,he heard dhuryodhan exclaiming in aghast..he closed his eyes and sucked in a sharp breathe prior glancing at dhuryodhan.. Dhuryodhan bridled his scorny smirk that aerated inside him and glanced naively at karn ,as if seeking an account..

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