2: Panchali in Shurasena

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The next day,
The chirping of birds, the mesmerizing fragrance of flowers and twinkling dew drops on the tip of grasses , when the first rays of sun kissed it, enhanced the beauty of nature...

The next day,The chirping of birds, the mesmerizing fragrance of flowers and twinkling dew drops on the tip of grasses , when the first rays of sun kissed it, enhanced the beauty of nature

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The atmosphere looked calm and serene where the palace of kuru kingdom stood in all its glory at the centre of their capital city , Hastinapur...the huge and grand palace of Hastinapur shined under the yellow rays of sun ....

The practice hall of Hastinapur got shook by the thunder like sounds and it attracted the attention of all female members in the palace including maids .....their lips twitched into a wide smile upon seeing a tall ,manly figure standing inside the hall with his eyes tied by a piece of cloth ...
A wooden figure of fish was hanged in front of him and it was swaying continously......he took his breathe in and sharped his ears to hear the sound....

He was wearing a simple white dhoti ,exposing his well built upper physique which was covered with a sheer layer of sweat...his dark complexion Shone like bronze under the bright light of sun...the muscles on his perfect broad shoulder got tightened and the bow marks on his shoulders stood proudly there, boasting themselves as they are the symbol of his numerous victory attained in different wars...

He streched the string of his bow which is obviously not an ordinary one ,but something divine....
He chanted a mantra and an arrow appeared on it....
With a confident smirk,he pulled the string and released the arrow....
The arrow Swiftly moved forward, cutting the air and it hit the target, perfectly....
The wooden fish which was moving shattered into pieces....
The pink tinted lips of that manly figure twitched into a charming smile...he removed his blind fold in a blink and his long black,curly hairs touching his shoulders fluttered in wind ....his sharp , fierce eyes carried confidence yet calmness....his sharp nose and perfect jawline just nourished his beauty....

And he is the one... Narottam... Purushottam.. savyasachi Arjun...the second prince of Hastinapur....son of maharaj pandu and queen kunti....the favourite disciple of Guru Dronacharya, best Archer in aryavarth and the dream man of every princesses...

" Bhrata Arjun.. keep an eye around your surroundings too ..look how maids are drooling over you..this is not fair..." He heard a familiar manly voice from behind and he Turned to see his dear younger brother nakul Standing behind him with his sword in his hand.. obviously he also just came back after the practice sessions...

" Yes yes..this is injustice...just give our Nakul a chance too bhrata ...to show off..." He chuckled as he heard his youngest brother sahadev voice..who just stood beside Nakul with his axe in his hands...nakul passed a deathly glare to sahadev... Arjun laughed...

"Ha..I'm fed up with you too.." Arjun replied and shook his head ....

"By the way...where is jyesht bhrata..? I've not seen him practicing today ... why? " Arjun asked, while wiping the sweat beads from his forehead and arms...

Swayamvadhu : The Bride he ChoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ