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"Ah!" Griffin cried out while stretching out of the car. "I can't feel my legs." He whined as Adelaide laughed at him.

"Mitsuki." Masaru called to his tired wife. "Next time let's call our jet to take us. Okay?"

"Yeah sure." She responded as Ryoma helped Inko out the car.

"Is this the hospital?" She asked.

"It would appear so." Adelaide responded as she looked to see Teka come out of her car. "Ryoma your grandmother made it."

He peeked to see the woman stretching before she scratched her molten head. "Grandma!"

Teka looked towards the boy's call and waved as she locked the car. "Jesus Christ, you drive like a mad woman." She said to Mitsuki as she scoffed.

They entered the hospital as Adelaide approached the desk. "Hello, we're looking for the children that were brought in by the pro heroes."

"Of course, they're on the third floor in the east wing. They're not side by side, so here's their numbers." She handed them four notes.

"Thank you very much." She responded as she gave the notes to the families as they left upstairs. "Come on Griffin, we're going this way." Adelaide led your brother away.

"Inko, do you want us to go with you?" Masaru asked.

"No, it's okay. You go see Katsuki, I'll be fine." The woman said before walking away.

"I suppose we'll go to Shoto." Teka said to Ryoma. "You have the number, lead the way."

They seperated in the corridor Mitsuki almost running down the hall checking the room numbers. Finally she looked into a window to see her son fast asleep in the early morning. "Katsuki!"

"Mitsuki he's asleep."

Not listening she hugged the boy to his shock, as he jolted, before recognizing the woman did he relax.

"Shit you hag you scared me." The blonde muttered in her embrace.

"Shut up you damned brat." She sobbed into his hair. Masaru let out a sigh before joining the hug. "Your hair looks like shit, what did they do?"

"Mitsuki." Masaru let out a tired sigh concealing a luagh as Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Quiet you hag." Katsuki whispered while crying into her chest. Perhaps the warmth overwhelmed him. He wrapped his arm around them. "I'm gonna hug you guys more often."

"You better you little shit." Mitsuki said as his father could only muster a small laugh.


Inko walked down the hall sluggishly. She really should've ate something before Mitsuki tore up the highway. She checked the number in her note repeatedly. Finally the woman found the room number and looked into the window. There were two beds, but only one man sat in the one closest to the window. The man with black hair looked to the TV. Upon seeing his face, her heart dropped. Images of that horrible day. The flames, sirens, his burnt arm. That was her husband, but how? She buried him, she saw his body in the morgue. Yet that man . . . it was her husband's face, but he was bulkier, and scarred.

She shifted into the doorway as tears rolled down her face. "Hizashi." The man looked over at the voice in shock.

"Inko." He stood from the bed with a smile.

She backed away trying to contain her sobbing. "You-you're supposed to be dead. I buried you, I saw you in morgue. How?"

"I . . . I don't know. I don't know what they did to me. I woke up in their dungeon, and I've been there since."

Flight of the Butterflies (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now