Chapter 9: Angry Promises

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Dating a kid

"You'll never know
What I went through
There's nothing worst
Waiting but you don't show

You gave your word
You will come back
It's been three years
Where are you at?


One and only
Sure I can see
Don't remember
Moving to NYC

You've got your girls
You don't need me
Good luck with life
It's tough for kids

Left a letter
Thought it was cute
Doesn't matter
It was not true

Next time we meet
Prolly won't care
I'll be like 'who?'
The kid without a beard?

Oh, yeah. My childhood love
Good thing I left it there
In childhood, imagine the horror
Waking up and being like
I'm dating a kid


One and only
Sure I can see
Don't remember
Moving to NYC

You've got your girls
You don't need me
Good luck with life
It's tough for kids

Must be tough, right
Being a kid"

I looked up at Alex and he was staring at me wide eyed, his jaw agape.

"Sums it up pretty well, yeah."


My heart thudded. I looked back at my phone. He had hung up and the number had been deleted. What was this about?

"You okay?"

I was about to answer but the hospital called again. I hesitated.


I glanced at him before eventually picking up the call. It's the safer option right now.

"Hello?" I asked my voice laced with fear.

"Miss Anderson? Your brother is out of surgery. He's stable."

A huge smile erupted on my face.

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll be there as soon as soon as possible."

I hung up and started packing my things. I would worry about this creepy caller later.

"Belle? What happened?"

"My brother is out of surgery. I'm going to see him."

"Alex is fine? Wait, I'll drive you."

That idea is definitely nota good one. Now that the initial shock and sadness has faded all that's left is burning anger. And mind you I hold grudges.

"As much as I would be glad to catch up, I prefer not ruining my mood before going to meet Alex."

With that, I grabbed my stuff and walked out. He didn't even remember I hate travelling in cars.

I walked to the subway and took the first one that would lead me to the hospital. I smiled at the receptionist before proceeding to Alex's room. I slid the door open and I was flooded by relief seeing him stable. I carefully kept the files on the little table and dropped on the chair with exhaustion.

"You gave me quite the scare A. Please don't do that again. Like ever. I haven't talked to Doc yet but I'm assuming the surgery went well considering your heart is functional again. I know I tend to stop hearts with my beauty but no need to exaggerate."

I made myself more comfortable laying back and closing my eyes.

"Had my first meeting at work today. You have a bit of explaining to do buddy. What were you thinking working for that jerk?And I told you hundreds of times DON'T DRAG ME INTO MARKETING. I'm happy withwriting songs, thank you very much. You better get up quick because I can't wait to chase you around with a baseball bat."

"I better go back to sleep then," a scratchy voice replied.

A/N: Am I stopping here? You bet I am. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I feel extremely sorry for Gray because of the song which I think was pretty confusing because I just can't keep up with their locations and there many things I have not revealed yet but I hope you still liked it. I'm so happy I wrote my first savage break up song instead of the usual sad ones. By the way I was planning on starting a YouTube channel firstly for my songs because I understand that without the rhythm it does not make much sense and also I would love to discuss about random things. Must be these presentations getting to my head. Let me know if you would be interested. That's it for today. Until next time have a great day/night.

Thanks for reading and all the support. 

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