🌭Chapter Three🌭

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    Niall and Leah left the apartment at around 9:00 A.M. that morning. With New York City traffic combined with holiday traffic, GPS said they should reach the tower between 10:30 and 11:00 A.M. at 10:48 A.M. which was perfect as Leah had told Jazzy that she would be there around noon that day. The whole car ride, Niall sat there in silence with the gift bag on her lap and her leg bouncing in anxiety. Leah seemed to pick up on Niall's preference for quiet this morning as she kept glancing over to make sure she was okay but didn't actually say anything. Pulling up at the tower, Niall couldn't help but wonder if it always looked this daunting or if it was just a figment of her imagination. Shaking her head, Niall got out of the car with Leah right behind her. Niall stared at her friend with a raised eyebrow as Leah just shrugged and pulled her along to the lobby. Niall didn't need to tell security anything so once they reached the elevator, Leah pulled her into a hug as they waited. "Tell me if they do anything you don't like, I'll be over in ten minutes flat to kick their asses." Leah muttered into her ear seriously. Niall pulled away with an eyebrow raised. Before she can say anything, Leah cut her off. "Don't give me that look, I never said I'd win and I'll run if traffic is really that bad." Niall snorted at that and briefly wondered if Leah could actually read her mind as she pretty much covered everything Niall was about to tease her about. The elevator behind them opened and dinged to signal it's arrival. Niall sighed and went to step in before being tugged back by the hood of her hoodie she was wearing. "Wait, you forgot something." Leah screeched before pulling her back. She spent a few moments digging through her pockets for something before letting out a triumphant grin and slapping something on top of Niall's head. Niall blinked in confusion before pulling whatever it was off her head. "Seriously?" Niall blinked at her. "What? You already said no to the box and this was our compromise." Leah shrugged casually. "Now don't touch it, take this, and get your tiny little butt up there." Leah demanded before shoving her into the elevator with the bag for the avengers in her arms and the bow on her head once again. Niall made sure Leah cold see her eye roll before the doors closed in her face.
    Alone in the elevator, Niall watched as the numbers went up towards the common room where she knows they're all gathered for Christmas morning. "Good morning Ms. Niall, shall I alert the others that you've arrived?" Niall's thoughts are broken by JARVIS making himself known. "No thanks JARVIS. I'm kind of hoping I could surprise them, thank you though. And you know it's just Niall by now." Niall responds quietly. "Of course Niall, as you wish." JARVIS responds before retreating again.
    Before Niall could retreat too far into herself again, the elevator stops and opens up to the common room with all the avengers sitting around the tree. Niall steps out quietly and comes to the conclusion that they didn't notice her as none of them acknowledge her presence in the room nor her return. She creeps closer before letting her presence be known. "Leah got you this for Christmas, said you might need it." Niall spoke while holding out the bag from Leah. Immediately, all fifteen heads turned to her so quickly Niall briefly worried about whiplash. Faster than Niall could blink or move, she was squished between multiple arms in a hug. Niall lets them be for a few moments before finally wiggling out and stepping back. "Is that where you went? To Leah's?" Pietro asked quietly. Niall nodded before holding out her arms with the bag in hopes of just getting this conversation out of the way so she can breathe again. "I noticed you already did presents, you have a couple more." Niall explained at their looks of confusion. Niall moved the bag into Wanda's arms when no one made a move to take it. This movement seemed to have snapped the group out of their trances as Carol spoke up next. "No, you should open yours first. We already got ours." Niall shook her head. "No,it's ok, really. I'll get to that later. You should finish with yours first." Niall coaxed with a small smile. The soulmates shared a look between them and knowing that Niall wasn't budging on this, moved to sit around the tree like they were before while starting to pull out the gifts from Leah. One by one, out came bottles, pacifiers, onesies, and a plethora of other little items. As each item came out, the group just grew more and more confused and sad knowing that they have no little to use with this stuff. A few minutes after they were done pulling everything out, Wanda broke the silence that had settled over them. "Does your friend hate us? Is that why she got us all this? To make us realize that we won't have a little to spoil this Christmas while she gets to do exactly that with hers?" Wanda questioned hysterically as tears gathered in her eyes. Niall's eyes widened at the turn of emotions before waving her hands around and repeating no in hopes to defuse the situation. "No no no no no no, not even close. You forgot a present." Niall explained quietly. She gave them a few minutes to figure it out on their own. Niall is brought out of her thoughts by Pepper's gasp. Niall looks over to see Pepper holding a hand to her mouth as she stares at her and Niall swallows as she realizes that Pepper put the pieces together. "What's that bow on your head for Niall?" Wanda questions quietly, so quietly Niall wondered if it actually happened. " Merry Christmas." Niall responds almost begrudgingly as she begins to regret letting Leah talk her into this to begin with. One by one, the others catch on and begin to grin excitedly. "These are for you, these are your onesies, these are onesies for you." Bucky mutters almost to himself and before Niall can even think about backing out, she's squeezed into yet another group hug although this one tight enough to make her feel like her eyeballs are about to pop out of her skull. "Are you serious right now? This isn't a joke?" Natasha asks into her hair as she's still squished between the group in their group hug. "Yes, but there are a few things before I actually agree to this." Niall responds into her chest,still in the hug. She's beginning to doubt this hug is going to be ending any time soon. "Anything, anything you need Niall. As long as we get the chance to show you how good we'll be to you as your caregivers." Natasha sniffs into her hair and if Niall didn't know any better, she would point out the fact that she can actually feel her tears dripping into her hair. Niall attempts to pull away from the hug, which really just gets her as far as Natasha's lap, and pulls out the notes she had stashed in her pocket regarding the conditions as well as the pills she just remembered. "What's all that little one?" Pietro questions as he peeks over Niall's shoulder. "I had to be alone for a little while to kind of figure out what I was doing and ended up at Leah's. You should probably thank her for all this, I wasn't really gonna agree until she kind of talked me into it. I only really have one major condition for right now and as long as you all agree to it, then I'll give this a shot. I just want a trial period, a month to try it out and if I'm not comfortable with it at the end of the month, then we can stop and you'll let me stop without being mad or anything like that. Leah also gave me these pills that help you find your headspace and I think they might be a good idea if you're ok with the trial period, especially since I haven't been little since the placement test and I don't think I'll get comfortable with it for a while. The bottle says one pill for my height and weight every twenty-four hours before I go to sleep and I'll wake up in a newborn to two year old headspace and half a pill for a toddler." Niall explains as she fidgets in Natasha's lap and picks at her nails. Her hands are grabbed between Steve's warm ones to stop the picking and get her attention. She looks up to see everyone's eyes on her but chooses to focus on Steve's who is kneeling in front of her now. "I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we'll do anything to make you the happiest little to ever exist, including a trial period and whatever else you need to make you as comfortable as possible." Niall can see the others nodding vigorously out of the corner of her eye as she stares at Steve. Finally, she lets out a sigh before relaxing back into Natasha, who holds Niall even tighter if possible, and lets out a nod of her own.
    Almost instantly, Niall was squished back into a hug again as the group squealed with excitement and peppered her in kisses wherever they can reach. After a few moments just holding their babygirl, the silence is disrupted by a loud growl from someone's stomach. They all pull themselves off of Niall to stare at her. Niall looks up and makes quick eye contact with Yelena and notices the raised eyebrow before averting her attention elsewhere. "Would you like to explain what that was, little miss?" Tony asks with an almost identical eyebrow raise. "We might have woken up late and skipped breakfast to try to beat the traffic and failed miserably anyway." Niall explained through a yawn and while still avoiding eye contact with any of them. "Ok, first order of business then, we're gonna get some food in that little belly of yours. And while we're at it, maybe we can come up with some rules that we all agree on." Carol jumps in while practically prying Niall from Natasha's arms and into her own. Natasha shoots her a dirty glare as Carol makes her way to the kitchen with a smirk and hungry Niall on her hip. Carol plops Niall into the high chair they've had stored in the closet for ages now and leans down to look her in the eye while the rest follow behind and take their places at the table just like they did this morning. "Ok Nialler, what are we feeling for breakfast today?" All Carol gets in response is a shrug with a few mumbles in response. "How about some waffles with some fruit, baby?" Wanda jumps in as she approaches. Niall's eyes light up at the thought of waffles, especially Wanda's waffles. "Yours?" Niall asks before she gets too excited. "I think I can make that happen, anything for my baby." Wanda says with a grin before dropping a kiss on Niall's forehead and ruffling her hair then making her way over to the stove. "While Wanda is working on your fresh waffles, do you think you're up for going over some rules little one?" Kate asks as she takes a spot next to Niall's high chair before anyone else can. Clint lets out a huff as Kate gets there seconds before he can and Thor grabs the seat on Niall's other side.
    While Wanda makes Niall's waffles, the others gather around her high chair and begin working on a set of rules that Niall would be comfortable with with Wanda chiming in every now and then. In the end, they finish with a basic set of rules just in time as Wanda finishes up Niall's waffles. A few rules consisting of a new bedtime, making sure they are always referred to as Mommy and Daddy, using her diaper when the time comes, and letting mommy and daddy worry about feeding and dressing her just to name a few. Just as they finish writing out the rules to put on the fridge, Wanda walks over with a stack of waffles piled with syrup,whipped cream, and red and green sprinkles along with a small bowl of cut-up fruit. Niall's eyes widen along with everyone else's at the table. "That's a lot of sugar for one person Wands, don't you think?" Steve questions with a wince as Niall tries to dig in with her hands but is only left with a pout as Yelena pulls the plate away from Niall and kicks Kate out of her seat so she can feed Niall herself. Kate shoots her a glare although backs down almost immediately as she gets one back just as quickly. "Hey, I wanted to feed her first plus you just threw me to the ground. That's not fair." Kate whines. "Be lucky it was just the ground and not out the window." Yelena quips back without even sparing her a glance as she makes faces at Niall while cutting up the food. "Well, actually I thought since I made the food I could feed her. And relax Steve, it's a special occasion. We finally have our baby to spoil, it won't be an everyday thing." Wanda explains with a smile while trying to take the fork and knife from Yelena. She backs away quickly, just as Kate did moments before, as Yelena tries to stab her with the fork as she reaches for it. Niall whines as she sees the food, yet hasn't gotten any and she's slowly crashing as the early morning catches up to her. Yelena finally turns her attention back and holds up a forkful of waffle for Niall. She grins with tired eyes and opens her mouth for the long-awaited breakfast. Yelena switches between the fruit and waffles in hopes of making this somewhat easier for Steve, who looks closer to passing out at each forkful of waffle that goes into Niall. He sighs with relief as Niall finishes the waffles and quickly takes the plates and utensils. Niall lets out a yawn as Wanda wipes her face to rid of all the syrup and juice, courtesy of her yummy breakfast and Niall's poor eating skills. "I'm going to go put this one down for a quick nap, since I didn't get to feed her." Wanda explains while grabbing Niall from her high chair and heading off to change her into comfier clothes before putting her down for a nap. "Wait!" Bucky stops her before she can make her escape. Wanda glares at him, thinking he's here to steal her baby away from her before she could even get any time with her. She stops once she notices the pills along with a bottle in his hand. "Hi baby, do you think you would want one of these or do you want to try this without them first?" Bucky asks her softly while looking her in the eyes. Niall pauses for a moment while thinking as the others hold their breath, waiting for her answer. "Pill, please." Niall responds shyly. "Of course baby, and you're sure you want this?" Bucky asks again, just to be sure as Wanda squeezes her just a bit tighter. Niall nods again and opens her mouth for Bucky as he plops the pill in her mouth. Niall is surprised at the chewiness of it yet can't help but cringe at the gross taste that is now present in her mouth. She opens her mouth for the bottle and takes a few quick sips as Wanda sways with her and pats her back. She sighs as the apple juice overpowers the now fading taste of the pill. Once they're all satisfied, Wanda takes her to the Nursery they've had on standby as they looked for a little and smiles to herself at the fact she's coming in here to use it with her little. Wanda plops Niall on the changing table and gets to work at getting her in a diaper and onesie for her nap. She goes to put Niall in her crib but is met with resistance from Niall as she refuses to let go. Niall mumbles in her half asleep state and holds her tighter. Wanda bounces her for a few more minutes before getting an idea and taking her back out to the common room. She shushes the others as she comes in and plops Niall in the baby rocker next to the couch and hands her the rest of her bottle as a distraction. Niall only makes it through about half her bottle before she drifts off between the rocking and Wanda's hand in her hair playing wit it. The group sits in silence, just staring for a while, before its broken by a content sigh courtesy of Clint. This time, Tony remains quiet as he stares in adoration at his babygirl laying in her rocker. "I can't believe we finally have our babygirl." Clint sighs in content as he gets off the couch with a pillow and sits himself on the floor next to the rocker. He kisses her on the forehead before laying himself on the floor next to the rocker and putting one hand on her knee and drifting off himself with his own smile on his face. One by one, each of them follow Clint and end up on the floor with at least one part of them touching Niall as they al drift off.

The Littlest Avenger (Avengers x Fem!OC Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now