🪁Chapter Seven🪁

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Chapter Seven
Time Skip
    The month came and went faster than any of the avengers would have liked. After finding all the information they needed on Niall's past, they decided to wait until the month was over this way they get all the time they can with their little one and also have the perfect plan to decimate those that hurt their baby. The end of the month also signified the end of their trial period with Niall which means they could finally make her their little officially and legally. Just like they agreed on with Niall in the beginning, they didn't send her to bed with a pill and let her sleep in her regular clothes and regular bed as much as it bothered them.
    Niall woke up out of her headspace and couldn't help but sigh in relief. As much as she loves her fellow teammates, she's not planning on doing this full time and she knows it's going to hurt them but she can't bring herself to lead them on. Niall got up and dressed herself in a white thermal, a purple flannel, and grey ripped jeans with black and white low top converse. She heads out of her room to find the rest of the team in the kitchen. They all perk up a little at her arrival and she can't help but feel bad knowing what she's about to tell them. "Morning Ni, hope you slept well. We've got a big day ahead of us." Steve chimes in from where he's standing from in front of the stove flipping pancakes. She furrows her eyebrows about to ask why before her question is answered before she can even ask it. "We figured we would get all the paperwork and documents to make you our official little taken care of since that's usually a good two hour wait this way we can enjoy the rest of the day without having to worry about it." Bucky jumps in with the biggest grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye that Niall hadn't seen in a while. Niall frowns and sighs sadly at this before explaining herself. "Actually, can we talk about that?" Niall mumbles while sitting at the table. "Sure, do you want to go later? We can go later if you would like?" Niall cuts off Yelena's rambling with a shake of her head as she avoids eye contact with all of them. Niall sighs one more time before speaking again. "I actually don't want to be your little. I'm sorry." Niall mumbles into the silence. She looks up at everyone after a few more minutes to see all of them looking at her with sad frowns and teary eyes. "Did we do something wrong? Was it us?" Bruce questions as he blinks back his tears. Niall immediately starts shaking her head at the questions. In all honesty, it wasn't anything to do with them. Sure they were a bit overprotective, possessive, obsessive, and had a tendency to smother but this was their first chance at being actual caregivers to someone so it's understandable they would go a little overboard. "No, no, it has nothing to do with you. You guys were perfect caregivers and your little is going to be the luckiest little to exist." "Then why can't it be you? You can be the luckiest little to exist. Please, whatever we did, we can fix it." Carol cuts her off pleading. Niall shakes her head and looks away again. They're making this too difficult. "I told you it wasn't any of you and I meant it, there isn't anything to fix. It's all me. I just wasn't comfortable and didn't like being little. I think I'm just going to stick to the clinic for my mandated drops that way I'll be in and out in a couple days and I won't have to worry about it again until the next month." Niall tried to explain gently. At the mention of Niall choosing the clinic over them, they couldn't help but feel the pain and anger bubbling within them coming to the surface. "No, you can't do this. You were our little and you were happy and we were happy and we were all happy." Yelena begged again with teary eyes. "I'm sorry." Niall muttered one more time before retreating back to her room.
    The team shared a look before grabbing Niall before she can get too far. Niall started kicking and thrashing from Bucky's arms in an attempt to get away only to fail miserably. Before she can get any words out, she loses consciousness, most likely due to the sedative that had been injected into her blood stream by Tony while she was thrashing. The group sighs once the silence envelopes the room. "I was really hoping it wouldn't have to come to this." Tony breaks the silence first. "I don't think any of us wanted it to come to this but we all know this is going to be what's best for her and us. I mean everyone knows the clinic just does the bare minimum and knows nothing about her. Everyone knows that for a designated little to be happy and healthy, a couple of days at a clinic won't do anything. They need a family and a home to go back to and a chance to explore their little sides, a clinic won't do that and who better to do that for her than us. We probably know her better than we know ourselves at this point." Steve explained as everyone else nodded along. "We should get her dressed again, we have to go get her registered. I think we should give it a chance without the pills this time, so she isn't reliant on drugs to function as our little." Steve continues to explain. The rest continue to nod along and Yelena takes Niall from Tony to get her dressed to go out as Bucky follows close behind. None of them could stand how close they had gotten to almost losing their perfect little but the two were the most anxious about how close they had come and will most likely not be letting Niall out of their sights any time soon.
    While the two are off getting both themselves and the baby dressed, the others one by one split off to do the same. Soon enough, the group is gathered in front of the elevator as they wait for the last two to get back with Niall. Just as Clint was about to start his second round of impatient complaining, the two showed up with a bundled up Niall (complete with mittens and a hat with cat ears), secured inside a baby carrier attached to Yelena's chest. The group couldn't help but stare in awe at the adorable lump still snoozing on Yelena and let out a few coos from some select members. Since it wasn't as cold as they thought and the courthouse wasn't too far, the group decided to enjoy the fresh snow and walk there. Along the walk, they couldn't help but notice the attention they and their baby were getting which is expected as avengers and said baby is also an avenger. Regardless, Bucky moved in closer to Yelena while Natasha took up Yelena's other side and Wanda and Steve decided to take up the rear and front respectively as the others made a little more room for them to walk. About halfway through the walk, Niall's eyes started to flutter and she opened her eyes to the crowded streets of New York and Yelena's chest. Before a scream or even a word could escape her lips, her face was smushed against Yelena's shoulder as she whispered in her ear. "I suggest you remain quiet if you value your friend's life. We are going to get you registered and you will behave if you know what is best. We didn't want to do this but you have unfortunately forced our hand." Niall shivered at the thought of anything happening to her best friend or anyone close to her and decided to keep the choice words for them until they were back behind closed doors. Yelena must have felt the shivers now making their way through her body and chalked it up to the chilly weather rather than the newfound fear they had instilled in her. "Oh my poor malysh, did we we not put enough layers on you. Natasha, let me borrow your scarf, the little one is shaking like a leaf." Yelena cooed while holding Niall's mittened hands in one of hers and drawing Natasha's attention from her conversation with Carol. The two cooed as Nat wrapped her scarf around Niall and Carol used her powers a little to warm Niall's hands. With all the fussing over her, Niall didn't get a chance to take in her surroundings until now as they stepped through the front doors of the courthouse. At this realisation Niall tensed up as the group immediately got in line for the role registration process. At the feeling of her tense up, Yelena started bouncing Niall as she cooed while Niall darted her eyes desperately looking for a way out. Of course this was immediately picked up on by Wanda who was watching everything from the back and was quickly reminded of Yelena's words from before. Due to how early it was, the line moved relatively quickly much to Niall's dismay. Once they reached the desk, Niall zoned out until she was shaken from her thoughts by Yelena bouncing her. "What?" Niall snapped, though quickly apologising at the multiple glares she received in return. Rather than continuing to wither under the multiple glare, she turns her attention to the man behind the counter. "We just need your signature basically just consenting to this relationships and what comes with it. If there ever comes a time where you would like to dissolve the relationship, you will need everyone's signatures unless there is an exception allowed by a judge." He explained while handing a pen to Niall. Niall took it into her shaking hand and paused trying to look for any possible way out only to be snapped out of it by Bucky giving the back of her calf a quick warning pinch out of view from the employee. Niall sniffs as she shakily signs her name in the required spots before the pen is snatched from her and she is pulled into a bone-crushing group hug. She feels something on her head and looks up to see Wanda and Bucky letting silent tears drip down their cheeks with the occasional sniffle here and there. After a few minutes they finally pull away, not without a quick kiss to the forehead, and give her some space. The last ones to pull away are are Wanda and Bucky who are wiping the remnants of their tears along with Yelena, who she is still strapped to. Now that the group is finally satisfied with the fact that she is officially their little, they begin the walk back to the tower to plan out the rest of the day with the biggest grins they've ever had and one grumpy little.

The Littlest Avenger (Avengers x Fem!OC Age Regression)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora