Drabble 1

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A.N. This is random, but I hope you have fun reading anyways. These chapters are gonna be either stupid short or strangely long, so there's that. There will be zero context for what happens in this book. Also, no guarantee that the stuff in this book will wound up as an actual "Freedom AU" story. This is all just stuff that's up in the air lol. (Also, cover art credit goes to my good friendo Kitty_Toast ). Enjoy!

  She had her legs pulled up to her chest, with her head laying on her knees. Her cupcake companion was sitting quietly on the same short pile of small boxes beside her. From the other side of the broom closet door—which she'd barricaded again—she could hear the animatronics walking about the building.
  She finally looked upwards from her huddled position when she heard the security camera whirring. The guard had shown up again on this night, though he certainly didn't look thrilled about it. Likely, he'd been reprimanded for missing his shift the other night. The camera was watching her, as the guard assured where she was.
  One of the office doors slammed shut. An animatronic had gotten too close. After a few more minutes, Chica heard a 'thud' against the closet door. She immediately looked over, scared that whoever was on the other side would break through her barricade. She saw the shadow from the animatronic bunny's feet stand there for a beat, before it meandered off again.
  Settling back again, the chicken sighed sadly. She was confused, both as to why she was at this location, and why all these robots were acting strange—why they had chased her on the first night. She was also getting hungry, but didn't dare try slipping out to get into the kitchen. Chica just wanted to be back with her friends again, back at their location. She hoped she would soon leave this restaurant.
  Another strange sound came from beyond the door. Humming. The melody sounded like a shanty, maybe. It was coming from Pirate's Cove, no doubt. Just as soon as the humming stopped, the next strange sound came. A... moan?
  Chica blinked, exchanging a confused look with Carl. He looked as confused as she did. The moan didn't sound like the security guard, but it didn't sound robotic, either. It almost didn't sound human, except it partially did. She had no guess as to where it was coming from. "... rodent problems?" Her cupcake companion guessed. Chica shrugged. "Maybe..."
  The hours ticked on. Eventually, 6AM came, and the animatronics once again retreated to their places. The night guard left the office, and on his way out tried opening the broom closet. He huffed and gave up after one try, choosing to not even bother—he simply wanted to leave, as his shift was now over.
  Chica mustered the courage again to stand up and undo her barricade. After, she put Carl on her shoulder and stepped out into the hallway. She looked around before beginning to make her way back to the stage. The animatronics were all where they were supposed to be.
  Before she returned to the stage, something of interest caught her eye. A poster on the wall, at the corner of the hallway, had unusual text on it. Unusual in the sense that it wasn't a list of rules for the guests. It looked like an old news clipping. Chica couldn't really read it from here, and was about to go get a closer look, but was interrupted.
  A new sound was heard. Giggling. It echoed through the building, further adding to her unease. It sounded like the giggles of a little girl. Chica felt a chill creep up her spine, and she promptly speed walked out from the hallway and to the stage. As if it were a safe space.
  Carl nestled closer against her neck, from his perch on her shoulder. Chica reached up to rest a hand atop him, trying to comfort him as he was comforting her. This place was terrifying, and the things the two of them had seen and heard were inexplicable. If they were to even be brought back to their own location, the two hoped to never speak or hear of this restaurant again. Ever.

Freedom AU: Drabbles EditionWhere stories live. Discover now