The Yule Ball and staying with the in laws

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Great Hall, Hogwarts

December 21, 1994

"Ready to go, my lioness?" said Harry  as she pick Astoria from his former common room at Hogwarts

"I was born ready, my prince" said Astoria as she took Harry's arm and so they went to the Great Hall. Harry saw Cedric with Cho Chang, Fleur with a seventh year Ravenclaw, who was drooling and to his surprise, Hermione was with Krum. Hermione faked an annoyed look but Harry knew she was faking it.

"She is a good actress" Harry whispered to Astoria

"She sure is" said Tori "but Daphne, Tracy and Ginny are not. They were furious with jealousy that I was the one that one our game of rock, paper and scissors"

"Wait, what?" Harry ask confused

"Well, they wanted to go to this with you" said Astoria

"But Dumbledork thinks that I ask you because you are my betrothed, which technically is true" Harry whispered to her

"Well, yes" said Astoria "but they didn't care and we.... almost had a cat fight"

"That would be troublesome" said Harry.

"Yeah" said Astoria "so, it was decided in a game of Rock, Papers and scissors". Harry sweet-droop at that. Imagining four angry girls deciding with that simple muggle game, is just too funny. What a drag....."did you just thought something rude?"

"No..." Harry answered a bit to fast

"You better not" said Astoria as she took out her wand. Harry's death sentence was save by McGonagall, who call then to the hall. When he saw it, he thought it was beautiful. It felt very good and when they sited, he order his food and so did Astoria. When they finished eating, he took Astoria's hand and they dance. Harry dance with Astoria all night and he promised Daphne, Tracy and Ginny a dance another day at the Room of requirement. They were happy with that but Harry could feel their death glares when she kissed Astoria as they danced "I could swear you other fiances wants to kill you, Harry" said Astoria laughing

"You don't say..." Harry said sweet-drooping again "girls are so troublesome..."

"Too bad" said Astoria "because you are going to marry not one but four beautiful girls"

"Well, then I am one lucky guy" said Harry smiling. They dance once more and then they called a night, as tomorrow they had a train get and Harry need time to think how not to get killed by his future father in law, even when he already knew him but that didn't mean Harry was scared to get killed by Cyrus Greengrass, considering he was marrying both her daughters. Daphne for the Black line and also the continuation of the Greengrass line and Astoria for the Potter line. Harry could only say it was such a drag. His other fiances, Tracy and Ginny were for the Gryffindor and Peverell lines. The Ravenclaw could be with any of his wives or he could get another but for Harry that would too troublesome

December 22, 1994

Greengrass manor, somewhere in England

After going to sleep and getting the train, Harry and his girls finally could have time for themselves. In school, they have to pretend they were angry with him but in here, Daphne and Tracy were hugging him and they put spells so other people won't enter at their compartment. Ginny sadly wasn't allowed to come, as Molly was still Dumbledork stooge, even when she was a good person, she was too loyal and follow him blindly, even when there was evidence of Dumbledork's errors. At the station they were pick up by Sirius and the parents of Daphne and Astoria. Tracy was also coming with us

"Glad we can be here as your fiances and not enemies" said Tracy "you own as a dance, mister!. We saw how much you dance with Tori!"

"Sure thing, my lady" said Harry

"And you need to dance with Ginny too" said Daphne "or she will enter dragon mode and you don't want to know the rest, right?"

"Of course, I will..... wait what?" Harry said scared. Ginny's dragon mode was not good for any boy who wanted to be chase by their boogies. Poor Micheal Corner was one of her many victims. Another one was Malfoy but that was because the ferret pissed her off when he insulted Harry's mom. Harry was happy she got angry because of that, even when Ginny didn't know Lily Potter. After saying greeting Cyrus and Roxanne Greengrass, they had a chat and plans for the next few days during the dinner.

"Well, it not going to be hard" said Cyrus "I mean, Fudge has a pea size brain and let's not mention that woman toad pet of his"

"Wait, that was a woman?" Harry ask confused "I thought it was a unique humanoid breed of a human and a toad". Unfortunately, Roxanne Greengrass, her daughters and Tracy had starting drinking at that moment when Harry said that and they burst into uncontrollable laughter, spiting their drinks from their noses, much the amusement of Cyrus and Sirius, who were also laughing very hard.

"You are definitely more Potter, Harry" Roxanne still laughing "only James  Potter's son could have said something like that"

"Well, thank you" said Harry "but seriously, and don't even say it, Sirius!". Said man pouted, while Cyrus and Roxanne Greengrass burst out laughing at that "that was a woman?"

"Well, I had to say yes" said Cyrus with disgust "I don't know how but Dolores Umbridge is a woman, a horrendous woman at that. But let's changed subject, any luck with the clue to the next task?"

"Well, yes" said Harry "the stooges decided to use the Black lake in February, when it's on the stage of freezing to death if you dear to swim there and rescue a hostage"

"They really are stupid, aren't they?" Sirius said "and let me guess, it's going to be whoever you took to the Yule ball, isn't it?. In this case, Astoria"

"Yes" said Harry "that's why I ask for my friends to pretend to be angry with me, except Ronikins, who is still angry with me, for some unknown reason" Harry said this last words sarcasticly

"No!!!" Said Cyrus "I will not allow it!"

"I will do it" said Astoria "I will be out of Hogwarts next year anyway, this will be  another good reason for you to take me out in case Dumbledork try something"

"A pissed of father with more reasons is good" said Cyrus thinking "very well. What's your plan?". Harry smiled mischievously, making Cyrus and Roxanne shuddered for some reason

"Why do I have the feeling that you will make the stooges regret forcing you to participate?" Sirius said laughing

"Because they will be" said Harry "they will regret the day they pissed off house Potter". The next days were fun for Harry, between Christmas and New year, Harry was perfecting his spell. Harry was working really hard on it and he had a few months to perfect it but he also had his own classes. Cyrus, Roxanne, Sirius and Remus were helping him with Charms, Transfiguration, herbology DADA, and history. Potions was been done with Andromeda Tonks, who was a far better teacher than that Death Eater. Care of Magical Creatures, Runes and Arithmancy was with three teachers that were hired from the USA. Astronomy was self study with a book, as it was a bit boring and he didn't like it very much. So, until the day of the second task, Harry was very busy. 

AN: Hello my readers. Sorry for the wait but after publishing six chapters very closely, I took a small break and I had my birthday on Thursday, so I was busy. So, what will Harry do?. Will he prank the stooges?. Anyway, next chapter is

AN2: I know the Yule ball is in December 25 but for the story, it's on December 22.

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