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Selection room, Ilvermorny

September 1, 1995

Harry POV

"This room is the selection room" said our headmaster Furnell Pope "as you can see, there four statues, a Horned Serpent, a Wampus, a Pukwudgie and a Thunderbird. Horned Serpent represents the mind and favors scholars; Wampus represents the body and favors warriors; Pukwudgie represents the heart and favors healers; Thunderbird represents the soul and favors adventurers"

"That's amazing" said Harry "how are we selected?"

"The statue that looks at you is your house" said the headmaster "you first mr Potter". Harry nodded and went to the center of the statues. The Horned Serpent turn around and look at him. His clothes changed to blue and a Horned Serpent appeared on left side "a future scholar. Ms Astoria Greengrass" said the headmaster

"Here I go" said Astoria smiling mischievously. The Wampus and the Thunderbird turn around to her "two?"

"You must choose which one" said the headmaster"

"Thunderbird!!!" Said Astoria. Her clothes changed to a dark blue and a Thunderbird appeared on her left side. In that moment, Harry took five Dragots and passed to Daphne "when did you make that bet???"

"When the headmaster said the houses" said Daphne counting her money "guess is my turn". She went to the center and Harry wasn't surprised when she was selected in Horned Serpent, just like Harry. After that, the first years were selected.

"Well, now let's go to the Great Hall for dinner" said the headmaster smiling. The food was different. There more healthy food and much more variation of beverages, including fruit juices of all types and sodas. The food, was amazing and Harry love it!

September 2, 1995

Great Hall, Ilvermorny

"Can wait for classes" said Harry "best of all, not bat of the dungeons breathing down my neck"

"Or useless ghosts teaching history" said Daphne "look at Tori!. She is having the time of her life in her new house!"

"She has a mischievous smile" said Harry "that girl is planning something". In that moment, the owls enter to deliver the mail. Hedwig landed close to him and handed her various letters. All of them of his spies on Hogwarts. He remembers one of them in particular. One he planned to make Dumbledore believe was with him

Flashback starts

Hogwarts express, somewhere Scotland lands

June 26, 1993

"I am so, sorry Harry" said Ron "I don't deserve your forgiveness but I still wanted to apologize"

"You were my first friend" said Harry "it hurt, you know"

"I know" said Ron "I really don't care about you been friends with Slytherins or that you will marry them. Or that you will became my brother in law". Harry blushed in embarrassment at that and Ron started to laugh, alongside Hermione, Tracy, Ginny and the Greengrass sisters "no, really, I am glad you will be my brother in law and you have

"Thanks" said Harry

"I never wanted to turn against you, Harry" said Ron "Dumbledore made me. He told me it was for the Greater Good or something stupid like that"

"Dumbledore???" Harry repeated "but why??"

"So you would follow whatever he says" Ron answered "he told me to be angry st you for befriending Slytherins and you have turn dark"

"Well, I have an idea" said Harry "you will make Dumbledore believe that you are still angry with me"

"But why?" Said Daphne "why would you....?"

"You want me to spy on the goat" said Ron smiling "I have to pretend to be with him"

"It won't be easy" said Tracy "Dumbledore and his pet can read minds. You need to learn occluamecy"

"That's a good idea" said Harry taking one of his books in occluamecy and passing him to Ron and Ginny "learn it together and be careful, your mom....."

"We know" said Ron "she is a blind follower. I will do it and I will help you in anything you need. We are brothers, not by blood but by friendship and in the future, by marriage". Harry and Ron then grabbed hands in sign of brotherhood

"What electives are you choosing?" Harry ask

"Divination and Care of Magical Creatures" Ron said annoyed "at Dumbledore's suggestion and he told me to tell you take the same, he insisted of it"

"Well, too bad" said Harry "I will not take that. In any case, you need to be angry st me for that, that will make him think you are not happy"

"Are you sure you shouldn't be in Slytherin?" Daphne joked

"Nah" said Harry "I am more Ravenclaw". Everyone laugh at that

"Whatever happens, I am with you, Harry" said Ron

Flashback ends

Harry open the letter and started to read it. His eyes widened when he read Ron's words

"Fudge send his pet toad to Hogwarts" said Harry

"That's not good" said Daphne

"According to him, she said that she will not be teaching defense magic and she will not taught them theory but it's garbage" said Harry

"Well, hope it doesn't get any worst" said Astoria behind Harry "I heard somethings from my father"

"What things did father said?" Daphne ask curious

"That she is hates Muggleborns, half-bloods and magical creatures" Astoria answered

"Poor Hagrid" said Harry "it will be tough for him". Harry then open his Daily phrofet. Even when he wasn't in England, he still wanted to know what was happening to in there "well, looks like Dumbledore is been humillated and Fudge is doing whatever in takes to make sure Moldypants return stays a secret by saying Dumbledore is lying and it's only the word of two mad people"

"Well, Petergrew kind of screamed like a mad man" said Daphne

"Let's hope that pea brain of Fudge realize Voldy is really back soon or he will give him a lot of power" said Harry "or thar Voldy doesn't do something stupid"

Times square, New York

December 31, 1995

Harry POV

Harry's eyes were twitching at what happened. Voldy decided it was good idea to come with his Death Munchers to attack in new year

"You had to jinxed, did you Harry" Astoria and Daphne said annoyed. Harry didn't have a response to that. He knew it was at fault, probably

"WHERE IS HARRY POTTER!!!!" screamed the snake man. Harry wonders if he lost what remains of his intelligence when he  made so many horocruxes.

AN: Time skip. And yes, Ron is also part of the plan to pissed off Dumbledore. What would happen next?. Will Harry have some plans?. Will Voldy do something more stupid?. I will take some time to write next chapter but it will probably be a battle of some kind.

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