The trial of Sirius Black

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Wizengamot, minister of magic

December 21st, 1993

Harry POV

Harry was happy. It's been a little more than a month after he found about his blood special properties and what happens when it's mix with Tori's blood and so, he manage to made a vaccine. It wasn't a cure in a hundred percent but when Harry put the first shot, Tori was very healthy and she hasn't had episodes. And with that done, lord Greengrass had approach him with the marriage contracts. As Harry was underage, he couldn't sign it but Sirius could. He was Harry's legal magical guardian. Of course, Sirius had tease him when he wasn't just approach by lord Greengrass but also by lord Davis and Arthur Weasley. Of course, he was ask not to tell anything to his wife, as she was a bit of Dumbledork's stooge. And this happened after the rat was caught and Sirius was waiting for his trial, which was today. Harry told Sirius not to ask to live with him, as Dumbledore will fight it and Harry wants Dumbledore to think he will still is his pawn. Of course, Sirius thought it was a perfect prank and so he agreed

"I call this Wizengamot meeting to start" said Dumbledore. His pet wasn't happy about Petergrew been caught but Harry knew Dumbledore had to make this trial or face the anger of professor McGonagall, which amuse Harry a lot "today we have the trial of Sirius Black, as new evince have been found"

"What..????" Said Fudge "what are you talking about?. He is a criminal!!"

"Well, Minister" said Dumbledore "I been witness of seeing someone who is supposed to be dead". He gave the sign to the aurors to bring the rat "may I present you Peter Petergrew". Harry saw the eyes of the minister almost came out of its sockets. Harry notice there was a toad like woman dressed in pink at the side of the minister. She didn't look happy with what just happened. Harry only had one though. Is that supposed to be a woman? "Madam Bones, I believe this it's your turn". The woman nodded and started to speak

"Thank you, chief Warlock" she said "now, as you can see, Peter Petergrew is alive and if you look closer, he is missing a finger" she started "now may Sirius Black enter?". Harry saw as the toad stool up as soon as Sirius enter

"Arrest him!" She screech "he is a criminal!". None of the aurors listen to her "I am the under secretary of the minister!. Obey me!!!"

"Madame Umbridge, behave yourself!" Said Dumbledore "now, can you please use verosiratum on lord Black, if he doesn't opposed?". Lucy Malfoy aka ferret sr, stood up

"Sirius Black was cast out and that means he isn't lord Black" he said "my son is the future lord Black"

"I am afraid that my dear mother didn't haven't any right to do that" said Sirius "my grandfather named me his heir and by the way, I will never allowed your bigot son to be my heir, that right goes to Harry Potter, my godson, that's why, I cast out Narcisa Malfoy and Belatrix Lestrange of the Black Family as soon as I am declare innocent!". Harry saw as all the color of ferret sr face drained. Please give the verosiratum". Nymphadora "don't call me that!" Tonks gave him three drops in his mouth. Sirius eyes turn glassy

"What's your name?" Tonks ask him first

"Sirius Orion Black" Sirius answered

"When is your day of birth?" Tonks ask him

"November 3rd, 1959" Sirius answered

"What was your house in Hogwarts?" Tonks ask him

"Gryffindor" Sirius answered

"The verosiratum is working" Tonks said. Amelia nodded

"Sirius, are you or ever were a Death Eater?" Amelia ask him "have you ever supported the terrorist known as Voldemort?". Many in the audience shivered at the name

"Never!" Sirius answered "I will never support that monster!"

"Were you the secret keeper of the Potters?" Amelia ask him then

"I was supposed to be but then me and James thought I was the obvious choice and we switch with Peter Petergrew" Sirius said "we should have known better than to trust someone who's animagus is a rat!"

"What happened on November first, 1981?" Amelia ask him

"I managed to find the rat, I had him corner but the coward screamed why I did it?. Then he use a confringo on the gas line, blowing everything up, killing those muggles, then cut off his finger and run off in his rat form" Sirius answered

"Well, that's enough" said Amelia "give him the antidote". Tonks did and Sirius eyes turn back to normal "now, let's see what Peter Petergrew has to say"

"You can't!" He screech "I have my rights!"

"Really?" Harry said then from the witness stand "forgive me for speaking out of turn, madam Bones, Chief Warlock. But as far as I know, dead people don't have rights"

"Don't worry, mr Potter" said Dumbledore "and you are correct, dead people don't have rights. Give him the verosiratum". The rat try to resist but soon he was ask the same questions as Sirius and by the end of the day, Sirius was free and Peter Petergrew was sentence to Azkaban for life. Some ask for the kiss but Dumbledore refuse to accept that. Dumbledore said then that for Harry's protection, he must return to the Dursleys and Sirius accept it but because it was planned. Dumbledore didn't know that Vernon and Petunia had been in jail since Harry's first year. Harry's cousin has been with a foster family that was changing him into becoming better. The rest of the year was great. With professor Lupin,
Hogwarts students manage learn what they couldn't with Quirrelmort and Lockart the fraud. Harry manage to tip the DMLE about Lockart not teaching and not knowing anything about defense. He was arrested and send to Azkaban when he confessed he obliviated the  people that did those things in his books. Sadly, by the end of may, the bat of the dungeons told everyone that Lupin was a werewolf. Of course, Snape didn't get the results he thought. Instead, Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and a lot of Slytherins were pissed off about with the dungeon bat getting the best teacher in defense they got and throw him food that same day. That was the first year none of the houses won, as Dumbledork, in anger, said that one thousand points from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. By the time he realized what he did, it was too late and many students burst out laughing. Snape was very angry and was nastier than ever. Of course, the students revolted against him and many did a boycott in the last weeks of classes.

AN: Sorry about the unpunished chapter. I realized that I follow canon at the beginning with Harry telling Fudge about Petergrew and Snape saying they were confunded, so I changed to follow the story. Now, we are getting closer to Harry telling Dumbledore to fuck off. If I made mistakes of Grammar, please tell me in the comments

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