The Promise: Part 2

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" are overreacting, I didn't meet up with any girl, I swear", Nanon was going up and down, scanning Ohm's entire Body, trying to find some kind of evidence for his alleged infidelity.
"Non...what the fuck- aaaaaauuu – has gotten into you? – Sto-Stop doing that you are hurting me"
"Hurting you?...hurting-", Nanon shook his head, still going up and down, looking at Ohm as if he just punched him right in the face. "I am HURTING YOU???", Nanon shouted at Ohm, clapping his hands together, chuckling as if he was part of a big Prank. "You have been seeing a girl..I know you have, why else would you not meet up with me for fucking 2 weeks?"
"I was busy, shooting for a Film in Nonthaburi – I told know that..why are being so.."
"Sooo what??", Nanon moved closer to Ohm, giving him a challenging look. "Come on say it...sooo what?"
"Sooo FUCKING CRAZY?!", Ohm was now angry, too. He pushed Nanon back, rubbing their Chests together, just like they did playfully every now and then, but this – this was not playful, this was serious. Ohm widened his eyes and stared right into Nanon's eyes... Nanon did the same. After a while though, Ohm turned away, exhausted and defeated.

"Nooon..look, I think I should go. You've been weird for the past week and I really don't know what I did wrong", Nanon folded his Arms, shaking his left foot uncontrollably fast – Left leg meant "angry", and Ohm knew that. When Nanon was in that state, there was no talking to him reasonably, so Ohm figured the best thing he could do now, was to walk away from his beloved Nanon, hoping he would be in a better mood a day after.
"Yeah, LEAVE you always do, when I'm almost about to catch you lying...", Ohm didn't reply. He just stood there, in the doorway, looking sad. Nanon felt sad, too – He hated seeing Ohm that way, but his jealousy and his anger got the better of him.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR THEN??? FUCKING LEAVE ALREADY!!", Ohm turned to Nanon one last time...looking down, then up again, only to find a 'red-eyed about to burst' looking Nanon staring back at him. He then finally turned to leave. The moment Nanon heard the door shut behind him, he started crying. What was wrong with him? Ohm just came straight from a long exhausting day of shooting his new series, to see and spend time with him. And all he could do was yell at him and accuse him of meeting girls. He buried his face in his hands, trying to calm himself down from what had just happened. Nanon wasn't himself anymore and that scared him. He couldn't control his emotions. Too afraid of the possibility that Ohm could leave him, find someone else....what if he got tired of him like all his other previous partners? – What then? Nanon wouldn't be able to take it – Not again – not with Ohm.
But from the way things were going and with the way Nanon was behaving, it wouldn't take long until Ohm realized what a sick twisted jealous control freak Nanon was. It was probably the reason, all of his other ex-partners eventually left him. Nanon stood up, got dressed, and got out of his apartment. He needed to get some fresh air and he needed the get away from his apartment place, the one place that reminded him so much of the person he endlessly loved, up to the point where he was slowly but surely losing his mind....

Some days later...

"Did he see us?"
"Are you sure, he didn't see us?"
"No..Gosh...relax Ohm and what if he did, huh? What then? It's not like we are holding hands and kissing in public or something.."
"Please Kaow...I told you about him and I told you about his previous relationships. They were terrible. All the girls he dated either left him or ghosted him or cheated on him. He has been through so many heartbreaks that sometimes I honestly wonder, where he gets the strength to love again...If it was me.....I would have given up on love a long time ago..."
"Well... it's not like you are big of a romantic yourself...I should know...", Kaow took a zip of her hot Chai Tee and gave Ohm a guilty side glare. Ohm just rolled his eyes.
"Oh Come on..."we" happened a long time ago and I apologized for the way I treated you remember?.. Besides..I was in a really bad place...I was running away from..."
"your feelings for Nanon...?", Kaow finished the sentence for him and Ohm narrowed his eyes, unable to look at Kaow. It was a bad time indeed. It was during Bad Buddy when Ohm slowly realized that his emotions for his best friend had changed and immerged into something else entirely.

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