Chapter 14

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On yet another one of the most pivotal mornings of Choi Beomgyu's life, he... actually wasn't woken up by frenzied knocking. Imagine that. No, instead he was woken up to the feeling of sweet, sunny warmth, of lithe fingers woven into his curls, of the sun's rays on his eyelids. He yawned, snuggling into whatever his head was laying on, and he felt the fingers in his hair move, resuming their leisurely path along his scalp.

Right when he'd started to doze off again, he felt a pinch as the hand tugged on his hair, and he let out a whine of complaint. "Beomgyu," a voice whispered, soft, amused. "You're drooling on me."

Beomgyu made a vague grumbly noise, wiping at his mouth with his arm. Taehyun (he'd processed that it was Taehyun by this point) tugged on his hair again. "Get up, stupid. It's almost noon."

"Tired," Beomgyu moaned, burying his nose in whatever he'd been laying his head on.

"Look, I like you and all, but you're way too close to my crotch for comfort right now."

Beomgyu finally blinked open his eyes, then processed that he was using Taehyun's upper thigh as a pillow. "Oh. Oops."

When he looked up, the smile he laid his eyes on was blinding. "Yeah, oops . Move it."

Beomgyu grinned up at him, all dopey and tired. "Make me." His smile slipped off his face when Taehyun, with a quirked eyebrow, sandwiched his face between his hands and lifted Beomgyu off of him, laying him gently back down on the pillow. "Hey, I didn't mean it."

"You're an idiot," Taehyun muttered, ducking down to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "I'm getting dressed."

"Nooo, wait. Come back and kiss me more."

"You're spoiled, Choi Beomgyu. Did you know that?"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, sitting up and combing his bangs out of his face. "And you're no fun."

"Go get dressed, you big baby." Taehyun glanced over when he didn't respond, a huge smile growing on his face when he saw Beomgyu's expression. "Oh, you like that, don't you?"

Pressing a hand to his face, Beomgyu looked down at his lap, unable to hold eye contact. "Whaaaat? No."

"Whatever you say, baby."

"Shut up." Indignant, Beomgyu crawled out of bed, flipping Taehyun off over his shoulder as the younger prince giggled. "I'm getting dressed. Don't miss me too much." At that, Taehyun scoffed, rolling his eyes, and Beomgyu flipped him off again before he shut the door behind him, letting out a giddy laugh. This felt surreal. This was surreal.

When he came back out of his room, Taehyun was humming to himself as he clipped little butterfly pins into his hair. Beomgyu snuck up behind him, footsteps light on the concrete floor, then slid his arms around his waist, nestling his chin on top of the soft purple fabric of his shirt. "Hey," he whispered, and Taehyun shivered, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

"Hello yourself." He reached up with one of the pins, clipping it to the front of Beomgyu's bangs, then gave Beomgyu the most adorable look, head tilting to the side until they were barely touching. "Do we like the clips?"

Beomgyu pretended to think hard, brows furrowing as he used the opportunity to admire Taehyun's cute little dimple. He traced it with his finger, then met Taehyun's gaze, poking his cheek. "You look like a fairy."

Taehyun pretended to bite his finger, laughing when Beomgyu snatched his hand away. "Is that a compliment?" he asked, tugging at Beomgyu's bangs until the clip came back out.

"Obviously. Just means you're too pretty to be real."

"Stop," Taehyun grumbled, tugging on his bangs again. "I'm gonna start being mean to you again if you keep using cheesy lines on me."

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