"Who said he let us?" asked Amelia, pulling a face.

"She means that we just slipped off by ourselves." explain Lavinia, and we all laughed. I saw George looking at Lavinia admiringly (with her returning the look) and I couldn't help but feel that pang of jealously. I was happy for both Lavinia and George, of course, but somehow it didn't feel fair.

"Now, are we going to examine these clues?" said Daisy briskly. "We kn-"

"Shush!" exclaimed Lavinia.

I saw two angry spots of red appear on Daisy's cheeks. "Did you just tell the Honour-"

"I mean it, Daisy, shush!" snapped Lavinia.

And then we heard it. Rustle's faint voice in the distance, speaking - no, announcing something.

"Usually, the breaks in a performance are used to relax and talk. However, I'm afraid that in this break, we must let you all know of some very bad news. Sean Pierce, our beloved ringmaster who has been running this circus for 17 years, has died in a car accident on the way to the circus."

"Sean Pierce!" I exclaimed. "Alexander, your theory was right! The knife must have belonged to the ringmaster. His surname was carved into the knife!"

"This isn't right!" raged Daisy. "He did not die in a car accident! I'm going on the stage."

"It's not a stage, Daisy!" I exclaimed. "Come back, it's too dangerous!"

But she was off. I could hear her voice from where the remaining five of us were stood.

"Sean Pierce did not die in a car accident! He was murdered - stabbing, in fact."

"Daisy Wells!" I heard Uncle Felix roar.

"We know - my friend, er, Emily Brown, has the evidence. She has his knife."

"Emily Brown?" Amelia wrinkled her nose. "Does she really think that's my name?"

"No." I said, shaking my head. "She's protecting us."

The crowd laughed and booed.

"This isn't - honestly!" screeched Daisy. "Somebody support me!"

I saw Alexander about to rush off, but Amelia got there first.

"It's true!" she panted. "Us and our friends were looking behind the scenes, when one of us - um, Harper - saw the body. I have the knife here."

She brandished it, and the crowd gasped. Lavinia, Alexander, George, and I had already rushed closer to the ring. I could see that even Uncle Felix had gone pale.

"You may not be able to see." said Amelia, her voice shaking. "But morse code is-"

"Go!" snapped Rustle. "Leave!"

Daisy and Amelia gasped simultaneously and practically ran back to us.

"Hazel, update your suspect list." hissed Daisy.



NOTES: Took the victim's role in the performance without giving any explanation as to where he was. The strange poetry carved into the knife was written in shaky handwriting. Could it be his? MOTIVE: Possibly wanted a chance in the spotlight. ALIBI: None yet.


NOTES: Victim's body was found in her tent, slumped over the seat. The strange poetry carved into the knife was written in shaky handwriting. Could it be her's? Was seen arguing with the victim at 10:50 by Alexander Arcady, confirmed by George Mukherjee. MOTIVE: Anger? Really depends on what they were arguing about. ALIBI: None yet.

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