It started with an audition

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Chou Hsingche, a boy of brilliance was playing a tune, he has heard before. Tian Mi Mi, a song his mother used to sing to him when he was younger. The boy had a knack for talent and it was obvious to his parents. They paid for someone to tutor him. He was hailed as a music prodigy at age six, due to his piano playing skills.

Hsingche comes from the island nation of Taiwan, home to around thirty million people. Taiwan was considered the capital of Chinese entertainment industry. Many Taiwanese singers came and went like Teresa Teng who left an impact on the Chinese public with her enduring love public or Jolin Tsai who shook the world with her amazing dance performance, or even Jay Chou who sang and composed his own music.

These were the artists Hsingche wanted to be. And he would work himself to meet those expectations.

"Incredible voice there Eric!" Congratulated his music teacher.

"You are incredibly talented." Applause another instructor.

"Xie xie, I practiced all day to get the melody right." Chou bowed politely.

"You know you have great potential boy. If you work enough they will be agencies willing to sign you." The lead instructor said with a smile.

"I'll keep it in mind mam. I should get going." Chou bowed goodbye before leaving the academy.

Right as he got out, a girl around eleven years was waiting patiently.

"Tzuyu? What are you doing here?" Chou gasped in shock.

"Sorry Eric, I tried to keep her distancing her, but she practically ran out here looking for you.

Eric couldn't but smile at his two family members. Truly they're like his family.

"I'm surprised you're hear. I thought you would be with your mom back in Taiwan. What are you doing here?"

Tzuyu had a look of confusion. "Didn't you know I was going to stay with you?" She said with those puppy dog eyes.

Now he remembered. She made a deal with him if she did well this entire semester that she would move over with him.

"Wow I guess I forgot. Don't think you're just gonna lounge around. If you want to live then you need to learn English. Alex, we need to help her." Eric said as the they prepared to welcome in their cousin.

Hsingche or known by his English name is Eric is part of a fairly family of three. Eric himself is the middle while beside him was his older brother Alex. Like Eric, Alex was put under strict musical tutorage by their mother who was determined to mold her sons into children of talents.

His family is like any other Asian household, studying and learning instruments. His father wants them to go to a good university and get a good degree that pays well. While Eric isn't completely against of the idea, he felt like it wasn't enough to just get a degree. He wanted something more, something fulfilling. He wanted to become a singer, like those artists he watched growing up

By now he and his brother had the proper training. Both can play the piano and sing decently well. At the age of twelve he began to write his own music originally to get throughout heartbreak, but now he writes for fun.

Now here he was, a sixteen-year-old boy with big aspirations. Only problem was he was barely started highschool. If he wanted to work then he would need to pursue the music courses necessary. Which is what he did.

While the brothers helped their younger cousin get adjusted to life here in the States, Eric with the help of his brother would take music class as a main curriculum. It wasn't fancy, but it taught them the technical aspects of the music. Tzuyu legally changed her name to Sally for the occasion and was transferred to an American elementary school as a exchange student.

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