The calm before the storm

Start from the beginning

E: "Anyway, we have to go, we are late as always and everyone will be waiting for us"

He pronounced <<as always>> while looking at his mate with an accusatory gaze

The tiger queen Queen replied with a smirk, adding some pearls on her silky onyx hair.

Edith: "As it should be, everyone knows that the best comes last."

(Author: Edith is not the Tiger Queen but the sassy Queen, change my mind.)

E: "I know, dear, but it doesn't mean that we can be late every single time"

Edith replied, rolling her eyes:

"If you say so"

And Finally, after an eternity, the three of them came out of the den to reunite with the rest of the family who was waiting for them to head all together to the city's main square.


At the same time, in the main square of the city, the other Queens, now accustomed to Edith's bad habits, were already choosing the best meat for the campfire not wanting to wait another hour before the arrival of the Tiger Queen.

In this joyful and excited atmosphere there was only one person who clearly looked like they didn't want to be there at all: the Leopard Queen.

(Author: Well, in her place I wouldn't want to be there either)

Cold Sweat dumped her hair and part of her dress, she continually looked around (especially while she suspiciously "checked" the meat) and, sometimes, she even trembled a little.

Her unusual behavior was noticed by all but, being a royal, she was not stared or questioned.

Milly, the leopard queen, was struggling to keep a calm and magnanimous facade (failing completely) not only because today's task was really dangerous for her and if they discovered her, the blond female would be sentenced to be a breeder despide her royal status but also, and mostly, because Milly's guts told her that what would follow her task was much more dangerous than anything she could even imagine.

The leopard queen wanted to run away, escape from all of that, hide into a remote, small but paceful village and continue living the rest of her days in peace... but she couldn't.

Milly was greedy, still too greedy for her own good and she didn't want to renounce to her wealth, status and good life.

Also, Zira was too powerful and, even if the blond queen did escape, in the end the female panther would find her and made her regret for not ending her life when she had the possibility.

In conclusion, the greedy queen could only oblige to the orders of "her puppetry", suffering, trembling, cursing herself but still moving like a puppet whose strings were made of fear, greed and pain while her master controlled her, enjoying the show she planned from the beginning.


In an unidentified place in Beast City, a female continued to rant nonstop; and that female... Yeah, she could only be Yui.

(Author: Who else if not her? ٩( 💢•̀ з•́)و )

The lion female, from the time Zira left, had continued to think about Rosa and all the things that the Tiger princess had done to her, how Rosa smirked or laughed at her for her misfortunes and the more Yui thought of these things and more she wanted to go to the bonfire to sabotage Rosa.

In the end this last stupid, unnecessary thought won.

(Author: Zira, you surely chose the wrong person.)

She couldn't let that bitch like this and let her deceive and steal all the males once again.

(Author: Jesus, Yui SHUT UUUUPPP!!

But don't you see that even if Rosa didn't do anything NO ONE WOULD EVER WANT TO BE WITH YOUU!?!


Sorry, it was a little rant because Yui is so annoying, but then I remembered that I'm the one who wrote her lol...(-""-;) )

Her males tried to oppose, but she hit them and the poor cubs without mercy and they were held back by the mentality with which they had grown up (according to which a female was the head family and needed to be protected, respected and loved unconditionally) so they did not react even once and, in the end, they could only accept her decision.

So Yui took most of her males(the strongest and most handsome ones because she needed to show off) and headed nonchalantly towards the main plaza of Beast City, regardless of the fact that:

- She was a prison escapee wanted by practically everyone;

-No one (and I repeat, NO ONE) wanted her there;

-She didn't even took a bath so she had this rancid smell on her from the place she was hiding.

She didn't care about anything at all, only to win more males than Rosa (who, on the other hand still couldn't get any for another year), leaving the dirty work that Zira had entrusted to her to the four of her males whom she didn't like much.

(Author: Remember that Yui has 10 males, so she only took the six she liked the most. Poor males, I feel so bad for all of them.)



How are you? I hope you are fine.

Sorry for the absence but I had to study for an exam and lately my life sucks a lot: I fight with depression every single day;

I feel constantly sad and when I don't feel sad I feel empty.

I feel isolated (well, I am isolated. I literally have no one to talk to, no one I trust enough to open with) and even if I try to act normal, I feel so many negative emotions.

I had not felt okay for a couple of years but this last few months were the worsts and I don't know when all this pain will go away.

Writing had always made me feel better; the stories that I write are like an escape for me, a way to not think of all this bullshits, but right now things are so bad that I don't know if It can help me anymore, I don't know if I have the strength to keep writing.

I don't even know why I'm writing this here, like you care ahah, but I truly feel like no one will listen to me if I say how I feel.

I tried but that person didn't care at all, they only made me feel worse and if before I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean, extremely tired after swimming without stop for days without anything to hold on, after "that talk" I felt (and feel) like I swam for months without stop, during the night in the middle of winter.

I feel the cold, I feel the solitude, I feel like I called for help, I screamed desperately but no sound came out and no one came for me, to help me and that I can only wait for the moment my body gives up and I sink in the ocean.

Oh, and cherry on the top, my boyfriend of almost four years, left me on WhatsApp (again), SO LOL!!

Anyway, for the part that really interests you, my stories are NOT going to be discontinued, don't worry, I'll write and update when I'll get better.

And I'll try to find the strength for publishing the chapters that I already wrote.

I will return but I don't know when, it could be a week, a month or more, idk

Thank you for reading this story and Rosa's life; thank you for all the comments and support you gave me, thank you for all the laughs and fun we shared together.

This author truly loves you a lot!!

See you soon,

Your Dear Author.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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