Chapter three: SLEEPOVER

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Chanel's pov

I finished eating ignoring the stares I got from around the room, and cleared my plate before taking Greta's arm and walking down the hall

"Hey, you good?" I asked once we were far away from the noise

"Yeah thanks"

"Don't mentioned it, umm is the something going on between you and Mario?" I asked and she looked at me a little scared and her body tensed up

"Hey you don't have to scared, I was just curious nothing more, you don't have to answer if you don't want to" I assured her and gave her a smile, she gradually relaxed

"No its fine and no there is nothing going on between us" she answered but I could tell it was a lie yet i let it go since I didn't want to make her uncomfortable

She showed me around the school and then we went to the next class after the bell rang surprisingly we had the same class schedule

We got to the gym and changed into gym clothes before joining the rest apparently I got put in a takwando class instead of track which I am not very siked about but it's whatever (I know absolutely nothing about takwando)

"Okay class, we have a new student today and I would like if you could be quiet and let her introduce herself" the middle age bald man said and the entire class went quiet while I introduced myself again and got those annoying stupid stares and questions again, honestly I hate the first day of school

"Now as a first day tradition, you get to pick who ever you want to duel, seeing as it's is your first day you can take on a beginner" the coach announced and I scoffed scanning my head through the crowd when someone suddenly yelled

"I want to" I turned i saw this blonde girl, slim figure looking at me with a 'I've got it all look'

"Now Mrs Glace, she gets to pick" the coach reprimanded her but she kept on giving me a pissed off look

"Yeah your right, wouldn't want to kill little miss good girl on her face day"

"Excuse me" I asked starting to clearly get annoyed, this little bitch was pushing her boundaries

"Yeah, you think because you know Mario, you can suddenly walk in here with a spoilt princess look" she started rambling again

"Oh so this is what this is about huh, fine I'll duel you however you should know I won't stop until you are bathing in your own blood"

"Yeah sure you will" she replied sacarstically

We got to the center as the rest of the class gathered around us, I was given a white belt while she had on a black belt

"Well remember if you can't handle it, simply tap the floor like in boxing ok" the teacher said as the we both took our stands

It started off with her landing some punches and kicks which I let her have

"Look it's not too late to tap out now" she says with an annoying smirk

"Damn that's all it's takes to get your confidence up, no offense but you kick like an old one eye monkey" those words seem to have gotten to her and she swing at me again, only this time I caught it, this bitch shouldn't have been so predictable

AFTER that the match changed with me in the lead, I rarely get the chance to beat the hell out of someone and not get punished so trust me when I say I enjoy playing with her, soon enough she was bleeding, bruised and backed up from what I could tell she didn't have much energy left

"Okay, that's enough" the couch yelled making me stop my kick midway and backed away from her but not before pasing her the same annoying smirk she gave me

"If that's what a black belt fighter is then I'm greatly disappointed" I mockingly laughed at her going to the locker to change back, we took up way to much time

"Dam that was brutal" Greta commented as we made our way to the last class of the day, Mario has been sending me messages on how sorry he was, I ignored them all just to get him worked up. Yes I'm that petty

Surprisingly we managed to get to class on time even though the hallways were pretty crowded. English, my favorites class

Half way through the class, a delivery boy came into the class with a very pretty bouquet of roses

"And who exactly are you looking for?" The teacher paused the lesson to ask, by now mostly of students were highly interested in the flowers and I could hear some girls whispering about who the lucky girl might be

"Um, I'm looking for mrs Chanel" I briefly eyed the roses before turning my attention back to the delivery boy

"Who sent it?" One of the girls asked as the teacher pointed to me

"I don't want it" I simply stated ignoring the jealous stares I got from the other girl students. Honestly they were starting to get on my nerves

"Why it looks so pretty" Greta awed at it

"Perfect then, you can have it" I pointed towards her and the delivery dude gives her

"Really thanks"

"No problem, just make sure you destroy the card inside" I whispered to her once the teacher resumed teaching

This school is so much relax than my old one, letting students get away with shit easily, don't know if that's a good thing just yet

By the end of the day I was tired and exhausted and couldn't wait to go home

"Hey baby wait up" I turned to see Mario and the rest of our friends running after me

"Fuck off" I continued walking yet somehow they caught up to me

"Babe I'm sorry, don't be mad" he pouted like a little kid causing me to laugh, I could never stay mad at him no matter how much I want to

"Fine, but of you ever do dumb shit like that again we are over" he nodded his head and gave me a quick lip peck

"Mmm, we are still here guys" Carlson awkwardly coughed

"Trust me I haven't forgotten" I then went to hug both of them

"It's really nice to have you back nelly" Derion said chuckling

"Yeah and it seems like imma be here a while after what I did" I sighed link my hand in his, he offered to drop me off and have a sleep over just the four of us and ofcourse I said yes.

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