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This is an adaptation of my story - Unexpected Love, into IPKKND* universe.
The storyline and characters are nowhere close to the show. First 20 chapters will be as in from my book - Unexpected love, with changes in character names. If you are already read that book of mine, you could skip this book out and check out other books. Personally, it would be slightly better since it goes for second round of editing.

*For those who are wondering what IPKNND is, it is an Indian television show, Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doo, which went off air in 2013. Yet, it continues to be loved and fanfictions are still written for the show, till date. That's the love and adoration the show has got.


Khushi's POV

My best friend, Nandakishore or Nk as be like to call him, has just come off back from a breakup with his college girlfriend of five years, who also happens to be our mutual friend, making things a little awkward. But, everyone knows my alliance lies with Nk. Yep, I am choosing my best friend over his girlfriend.

Some of his school friends (with whom I have a great ramp), Nk, and I were in the cinema theater waiting for the latest superhero movie to start, munching on some great overpriced popcorn. Did I mention how much I love this superhero? He's my all-time favorite. I would have definitely married the man, had he not been fictional.

Nk really needed a day out with his boys and me, after his breakup. And I am basically one of the boys. I am not just their friend, who just happens to be a girl. Nope. I am their bro. That's a whole new level of friendship and privilege.

And yes, I am the only girl in this squad. And yes, I am super single. Never had and have a boyfriend. I never tried and neither did anyone ask me. Never in my 25 years.

Do I wish that I have a boyfriend? Sometimes.

Am I happy that I am single? Yes. 100% Yes. Being in a relationship sucks. Exhibit A to prove my point - just look at Nk's relationship.

Everyone at college assumed that Nk & I were dating, which was stupid. He's my best friend and has a girlfriend. Correction- Had a girlfriend. What is wrong with my friend honestly? Nk, at least in my eyes, is in the golden standard of men. I mean, I would date him, if only he was not my best friend.

Finally, today was the day we all met for a movie. With everyone busy with their jobs and masters, it was quite difficult to plan something for the crowd that we are. But, we managed anyways. After a countless number of failed plans.

Arnav's POV

As if pulling my 13-shift at the hospital was not tiring enough, my wonderful pain-in-the-ass little brother, Akash just had to drag me to one of those lame superhero movies. Why are superhero movies so lame and predictable? Of course, the hero is going to scope in and save the day. And of course, his girlfriend/partner is going to die. Classic and time-tested formulae. Honestly, what's new in that?


As the title credits rolled, I looked around the room tired and bored out of my mind. The lights were still on and people were getting onto their seats. Just then, a young woman appeared with a bunch of guys beside her. Dressed in a simple shirt and jeans. Simple but beautiful.

Why does that woman look familiar?

I have seen her somewhere. Please don't tell me that she was one of my patients. I am tired and not ready to play doctor until I catch on some much-needed sleep.


The female squad and her family:-

Khushi Gupta
26-year-old IT professional
Over-pampered and overprotected since she is the only child in the family

Khushi's dad - Shashi Gupta
Engineer by profession
Slightly strict father and always protective of Khushi

Khushi's mom - Garima Gupta
Government employee; Lives with her husband in Mumbai
Peacemaker between Khushi and her dad, in times of their disagreements or stupid fights

Khushi's grandmother- Passed away when Khushi was around six year old, from breast cancer

Khushi's grandfather- Died last year, due to Covid

Nandakishore or Nk in short
Khushi's best friend since her second year of engineering college and her trusted right-hand man
Lets Khushi rant, whine and chew his ears (and also does the same)
Protective of her like her elder brother

The male gang and his family
29-year-old doctor
Eldest in his family

26-year-old professor
Arnav's younger brother

Akash's girlfriend

Arnav's dad - Accountant by profession
Arnav's mother - Homemaker
Arnav's grandfather - a retired army man

Arnav's friend since third grade
Has been with him through good and bad times
Works as Chef at one of the reputed hotels
Deeply cares for his friend

Shyam's wife

To be continued

Sometime in June 2023...!!


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