Chapter 12

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Why i decided to go home while my uniform is wet?

Maybe by covering it with my coat i will feel no cold.

But bad idea.

Today's weather is really cold. The cold penetrate my coat.

I finally reached my home. I quickly open my coat and searched for the towels.

I dried myself and changed my clothes.

I make a cup of tea for myself.

Then i see a note in the table.

"Arisa, Arashi. I'm going to be holled up at the office. There's work that I haven't finished last month and my boss said if i could finish the new work for me in three days i could get extra salary. So we can go on a vacation. Don't forget to lock the doors, i love you guys. -Father."

My face softens after reading the note.

Father is so thoughtful of us.

I think I'm gonna take a nap after I drank my tea. I'm starting to feel dizzy.


I woke up and notice that it's already dark.

How long did i sleep?!

My head hurts. I couldn't get myself up.

I take my phone and found multiple missed calls and texts.

I opened text from Arashi because its really rare for him to text me.

"Nee-san, im going to stay at my friend house. You know him, its Yasu. I'll be not going home for today. You didn't have to make dinner. Tell father for me, thanks. -Arashi."

Great, now I'm all alone at my house.

I scrolled through the texts and there's one from Kairi, Kise, Momoi, and.....Aomine

I wondered how he's doing. I forgot to tell him to not wait up for me.

Right when I thought of him, my phone rings. Aomine's name is on the screen.

I picked it up.

"He-hello?" My heart beats faster.

"Oi lazybumps, are you not going to let me in?"


"Kise and that senpai already told me all about it and I'm in front of your house like half hour ago."

W-what?! I jumped from my bed, ignoring my pounding head that starts to get worse.

I rushed to the door.

I opened it and Aomine is standing in front of me still holding his phone on his ear.

"Finally!" He said while he flips his phone and walked into my house. I closed the door.

"I-i-im sorry i didn't know. Y-you must be cold!" I said nervously.

"Heh, it's fine. But, are you ok?" He said in his worries tone.


Suddenly i lost my balance.

I don't feel well..

My vision goes blur. I fall and Aomine catches me.

"W-what happen?!" He looked at me worried. He held my forehead.

"Aw your frickin' hot, you have a fever dammit."

Fever? It must be because im walking in this kind of weather when im still wet...ugh i should've dried myself in the school.

[Fanfic] I want you to know [Aomine x OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora