Chapter 4

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"Arisa-chan?" Kairi voice realize me from zoning out.


"You've been quiet, did something happen?" When Kairi said that, yesterday experience flashes through my head.


"Does it happen when i can't go home with you?!" Kairi starts to worry. She must be feeling guilty leaving me.

"Yesterday i bumped to a guy. He looks scary and he had friends with him. He was about to do something terrible to me."

"Im so sorry Arisa-chan! You have to experience that."

"It's okay, someone helped me yesterday."

"Eh?! WHO?!" Kairi's shouted, everyone in the class turned to our direction.

"Sssh Kairi-san, not so loud..." I pulled her arm.

"Sorry...but really, who was it?"

"It was a guy named Aomine."

"Aomine......AOMINE DAIKI?!" Kairi shouted again.


"Sorry were saved by him?"

"Well, im not sure if its that guy you mention. Maybe."

"I heard he was bad."

"He did have a bad personality."

"You better tell me all the details!"

"Alright, but don't shout like that again."

"Promise." Kairi closed her mouth with her hands. I chuckled and start telling her what happen yesterday.


"Oh?" I was walking through the corridor and find Kasamatsu-senpai.

"Masamune." Kasamatsu-senpai called me. I let him approach me.

"Y-yes, is something wrong senpai?"

Isn't this the first year building? What is senpai doing here...

"I want to tell you that today there's no practice. But, tomorrow is. The gym is cleaned, you don't have to go to the gym for today." He said.

He came here just to say that..?

"Okay, thank you. Why don't you just text me for that....senpai..?"

"I-i don't have your number." He said as he looked away from me.

"Oh right, t-then..." I let out my cellphone. "Do you want to exchange numbers?" I look at him.

"W-wha?! I can just ask Kise for it. I should go back." He said.

I nodded understand.

"See you, senpai." I bowed then smiled at him.

His eyes widened before turning around and walk away.


Since today both of us have no club activities. Kairi and i go home together.

We went to the cake shop nearby the station, went to buy some cute stationary, and i do a little grocery for today's dinner

It's not dark yet. But, i want to get home fast.

Kairi have to take the train, so i go with her until the station. After that, i take my usual way to go home.

I go to the konbini near my house. I was thirsty, i take a milk tea in bottle from the refrigerator. When i was about to pay, a magazine caught my eyes.

[Fanfic] I want you to know [Aomine x OC]Where stories live. Discover now