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The gentle fragrance of flowers dances in the air, coaxing my senses awake

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The gentle fragrance of flowers dances in the air, coaxing my senses awake. My eyelids flutter open slowly, revealing a world awash in ethereal hues. Before me hovers a tiny little girl, her presence captivating. I rise to a sitting position, careful not to startle her.

Her mesmerizing red eyes meet mine, and I find myself entranced by their beauty. A question escapes my lips in a hushed whisper, directed to no one in particular, as I try to make sense of my surroundings. I don't expect an answer, but to my astonishment, the little girl giggles in response before darting off, beckoning me to follow. Without hesitation, I give chase, the sound of her laughter echoing through the air, filling me with a strange mix of delight and curiosity.

As we run, the landscape shifts, and I realize we have left the serene flower field behind. Instead, we find ourselves in the depths of a mysterious cave. Darkness envelops everything, and when I glance back, I see the distant glow of the flower field, a reminder of the vast distance I've traversed. The little girl reappears before me, her pace quickening. Doubts assail my mind—none of this can be real.

Abruptly, she comes to a halt, and darkness envelops us once more. I draw a deep breath, sensing a peculiar energy tingling in my fingertips. A voice breaks the silence, resonating from an unknown source. "Thank you, Melinoe," it whispers, and the little girl smiles shyly at me before vanishing into thin air. Bewilderment takes hold as I try to discern the origin of the voice and its intentions. The cave remains shrouded in darkness, save for the faint glow of luminescent mushrooms sprouting sporadically along the walls. "I leave you alone for one second, and you manage to venture into the underworld. Unbelievable, Kallisto!" the voice exclaims, tinged with a mix of exasperation and concern.

My gaze flits around, searching for the speaker, uncertain of their motives. The words paint a picture of high stakes and immense responsibility. My mind races, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "So, this is all a game to you?" I retort, a hint of sarcasm tinging my voice. The weight of my actions dawns on me, realizing the lives that hang in the balance, the fate of my family intertwined with my own. A wave of guilt washes over me, compelling me to reflect upon my choices, and questioning whether I could have done more.

The voice persists, earnest and urgent. It speaks of pushing me back, but with a condition—my promise to keep running if I find myself trapped in the in-between. A name—Persephone—falls from their lips, an enigma I can't quite grasp. Confusion clouds my thoughts as I try to comprehend their cryptic instructions. "She will guide you further," the voice continues, emphasizing the importance of heeding Persephone's voice and seeking guidance from my inner wolf. The speaker's words sound increasingly nonsensical, raising doubts about their sanity. A nod escapes me, a feeble attempt to appease them, hoping they might depart.

Yet, deep down, I sense there is more to this encounter, something far beyond the surface.

Everything suddenly grows quiet, as if the volume knob of the world has been turned down. My eyes instinctively shut as a blinding brightness floods the room, causing me to squint and shield myself. The air feels thin, and I'm overcome with the urge to cough, desperately needing a breath. Then, without warning, I find myself submerged in water, completely surrounded by its embrace. A voice calls out my name, but it's distant and faint as if carried by the currents around me. "Swim downwards," it urges, but another voice contradicts, telling me to swim upwards. I'm torn between the conflicting instructions, unsure of which to follow. In my struggle, I begin to swim upwards, but the water seems to resist, pulling me back down. The weight of the water presses against me, making it harder to breathe. Faintness sets in, and I question whether swimming downward might be the better choice after all. Yielding to the water's insistence, I allow it to guide me deeper into its depths, trying to maintain control over my breathing as I descend. As I surrender to the water's pull, everything changes. The voices fade away, leaving me alone with my thoughts in this submerged world. Silence surrounds me, broken only by the sound of my own heartbeat. It's a surreal experience, feeling suspended in the watery abyss, cut off from the surface.

Suddenly, I'm plummeting through the air, hurtling downward with astonishing speed. The wind rushes past me, stinging my eyes and causing them to burn. It's ironic how, mere moments ago, I was desperate for air, and now I find myself not wanting it at all. The sheer velocity of the fall makes my body feel as though it's being torn apart, every bone threatening to shatter under the immense pressure. I can't help but marvel at the absurdity of it all, wondering who could be orchestrating this wild ride.

Then I hear that voice again—the one that told me to swim downwards in the water. It warns me to brace myself, so I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to prepare for the inevitable impact. And boy, does it come! I crash down with a loud thud, convinced that I've broken every bone in my body. I muster the strength to get up, and as I do, I'm greeted by a dark forest. Seriously, why does everything in this place have to be so darn gloomy? Couldn't it have been a lovely field of flowers instead? Nope, life just loves to throw curveballs.

"Brace yourself," the voice that guided me in the underwater realm warns once again. In response, I tightly shut my eyes, trying to steel myself as best I can for the impending impact. Taking a deep breath, I hurtle downward, landing with a resounding thud that reverberates through my entire being. The force of the impact leaves me momentarily stunned, convinced that I must have broken several bones. Struggling to rise, I push myself up and find myself confronted by a foreboding forest, shrouded in darkness. It's baffling how everything in this wretched place seems to be cloaked in shadows. I can't help but ponder why it couldn't have been a serene flower field from the outset. No, instead, I'm greeted with this gloomy expanse of trees.

As I prepare to venture into the dark forest, another voice interrupts my thoughts. "Go inside, my child," it beckons, and a wave of familiarity washes over me. Where do I know that voice from? I pause, contemplating whether to heed its call. But just because I'm told to go inside doesn't mean I'm inclined to comply. So, I find myself seated at the edge of the forest, unsure of how much time passes or how many days elapse. Strangely, I don't experience any fatigue, hunger, or thirst. I merely wait, even though I have no clear understanding of what I'm waiting for. Yet, deep down, an inner conviction assures me that this is the right path, and so I remain patient, trusting that the answers will reveal themselves in due time.

I find myself lost in a place where time seems to have no meaning. It's a strange sensation—on one hand, it's liberating not to be bound by the constraints of time, but on the other, it feels disconcerting. I've always been someone who appreciates knowing where I am and what time it is.I sit there, waiting for something to happen, and as moments stretch into an eternity, I begin to wonder if I should venture into the mysterious forest. The enchanting chants persist, never fading away. I can still hear the haunting voice calling out to me, urging me to come closer. But there's a resistance within me—I refuse to let whoever it is have the satisfaction of winning.And then, as if in response to my thoughts, she appears before me. Standing amidst a vibrant bed of flowers, she emanates an otherworldly beauty. In that instant, I can't help but leap to my feet, my heart racing with anticipation. I'm convinced that this must be Persephone, the very person the voice spoke of. I take hesitant steps toward her, but the closer I get, the more she seems to retreat. Determination takes hold, and I break into a sprint, desperately trying to bridge the distance. Yet, no matter how hard I run, she continues to slip away, like a mirage in the desert. Frustration boils within me, and I cry out, "No! Please, I need your help to escape from this place!" My voice reverberates through the air, filled with desperation and hope. But she remains elusive, gradually fading from view.In the blink of an eye, everything changes. I find myself lying on my back, surrounded by blinding brightness and the incessant beeping of some unfamiliar device. I squint, my eyes struggling to adjust to the intensity of the light and draw a deep breath. And then, my gaze meets the most mesmerizing pair of dark eyes, staring directly into my soul."Who are you?" I manage to whisper, my voice filled with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment.

I may take longer to post now because now I have someone who does my edits.
Eventually, I will be editing the whole book, but I want to finish it first. 

Please let me know your thoughts, it makes my heart so happy to see your comments and it motivates me to update sooner. 

Thank you and byeeee!!!!


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