The Ball

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Penny headed down the stairs, feeling like a princess in a fairy book. For one thing, the palace on Asgard was huge and spectacular. Everything looked like it was made of gold and silver, glass and marble. Complete with a nature like scene so that ivy crept up aesthetically on the pillars. Small hummingbirds and butterflies even zipped in and out of the space.

Servants headed in every which direction, all of them smiling and happy. Bowing to her as she passed, offering her food and drinks, which she didn't feel she needed at the moment, but took because she felt obligated.

The other part of this magical feeling was how she was dressed. She was wearing an indigo, bluish colour as she had said she would. There had been so many dresses in her wardrobe, she had hardly known where to start, even when it was narrowed down to that one colour. And she'd only had an idea of where to start because of helping Elizabeth before she'd gone to the super soldiers bedroom.

The indigo of the dress was dark, making her look ethereal with her pale skin and white hair. It also brought out an unnatural brightness in her one blue eye.

The upper part of the dress was a smooth velvet, with fluffy sleeves. There were hints of gold at the very top, as well as the belt like decoration around her waist. The skirt was a slightly lighter indigo colour, with white patterns across it. It was designed to look like the galaxy, with white stars and smattering of white dots like snow.

She'd worn a single drop sapphire necklace and pulled her hair up into a bun so that the matching earrings showed. Her heels matched the white of the dress and were very comfortable compared to Earthly heels.

Thor and Loki were waiting at the bottom of the stairs, both of them wearing different coloured suits and what almost looked like armor to complete their outfits. Thor was wearing black and gold. Loki was wearing silver and green.

"Shall we?" Thor and Loki both held out their arms and Penny slipped her hands through each of them, walking in the middle of the two brothers.

"Whoa." Penny actually found herself expressing her amazement as they entered the grand ballroom. It was like the ballroom from Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella put together.

There were many people that she didn't know- other Asgardians she figured- as they passed by. Women wearing poufy dresses like hers and some were even bigger than hers.

"It's beautiful." Penny gasped.

Thor smiled down at her, "It's yours."

Penny was hit with that sudden realization. She was Loki and Thor's soulmates. And with Loki, she was his only female soulmate. Thor did have Sif, but since she constituted as a warrior, she didn't have the rights to the throne unlike Penny. Of course, Penny thought, she might constitute as a warrior as well. Would they consider her being an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. as the same classification?

The first person that she recognized off the bat was Violetta, who was standing to the side. Penny could have almost described her as standing off awkwardly, except Violetta was not someone that could ever seem awkward.

Penny couldn't stop herself from scanning every inch of Violetta's dress. The skirt was not as poufy as the others were, and it was red from the skirt to the waist line, made of shimmering silk. From the waist up, there was a see through material that went over her chest and shoulders, the sleeves going all the way to just above her wrists. The only thing that covered her intimate top parts, was a pattern of red stitching in the shape of flowers.

Violetta caught Penny's eye and Penny blushed deeply, but the Italian girl simply winked at her and said, "See something you like?"

Loki turned away for a moment to shake hands with someone that had come over to greet them. And Thor had found Fandral and was corralling him over. Penny took a step closer to Violetta. "What if I said yes?"

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