The Call

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Real quick before we start. The made up characters Penny, Elizabeth, Elijah, Katya, Violetta, Lan, Josh, Trang, Ahni, Mai, and Ghaida) are all characters that you can replace for yourself. Cause I was going to do a Y/N again instead of making Penny, but then thought my Y/Ns are all pretty similar since they're based off me. So I went ahead and made different characters with vastly different personalities in hopes that you guys could insert the character you connect with most. Hopes this accomplishes this! Okay, Into the story

Also (edited and added on 3/16/2023) for my audio books, some of the links will take you to YouTube itself instead of just playing on Wattpad, because (obviously) I had to put them at 18+ and it will want confirmation. Sorry about that. I apologize. Also, please help a gal out by subscribing and liking the videos at the least! Thank You!

Edit: No more audio recordings lol

🐶⌚️ s𝓣oᖇy ˢtΔ𝔯t 😀👋

Steve and Sam were out on a run when they got the call from Fury, telling them that they had an emergency and were needed back at the Avengers Tower. Well, Steve was running at least. He wasn't entirely sure what Sam was doing.

He slowed to a jog, then a walk, which brought him right back up behind Sam.

"Don't say it." Sam grumbled as he finally stopped too, looking over at Steve, wondering why he wasn't running anymore. "What? What happened?"

"Fury called." Steve sighed, wiping his brow with his shirt, "He needs the both of us to head back up to the tower. I guess there's another mission he needs us for."

Sam groaned, "Oh c'mon! He told us we had the entire month off!"

Steve shrugged, "Duty calls."

Sam grumbled as he followed Steve back to the tower.

Fury better have a good reason to pull him from his vacation.

😃🐱 ⓅόѶ 𝓒h𝕒ภgέ 😄📱

Bucky was fast asleep when his phone rang. He fumbled along the sheets of his bed, finding the bed empty. Steve and Sam must've gone on a run. Which meant that it was at least five in the morning and he was not ready to get up.

He grabbed the pillow, rolling over and pulling the pillow over his head. The bed was so soft, like a cloud and he sunk back into it.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. suddenly blasted the room with noise, jolting him up into a sitting position, heart beating out of his chest, and sudden rush which told him a headache was going to come on.

"ASSHOLE!" He shouted at the AI in frustration. "If you weren't a fucking computer I'd shoot you."

"Your phone was ringing." F.R.I.D.A.Y. answered. "It was annoying me. You should answer it."

"Fucking Tony." Bucky cursed, picking the phone up. He had about ten missed calls from Fury and he groaned. "No, I'm going back to bed." He put the phone on silent and climbed back into bed.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. started to play 'Can't stop this feeling' in the room on blast.

Bucky hated the song because he hated Peter Quil and his annoying attitude.

Bucky pressed the pillow harder over his ears.

The door opened and he glared over to see Natasha standing there, arms crossed over her chest. F.R.I.D.A.Y. stopped playing the stupid motherfucking song.

"What?" Bucky grumbled.

"C'mon James." Natasha said, sauntering over to the bed. Bucky watched her approach with hungry eyes. "Fury's going to kill you if you don't show up. It's an emergency and I've never seen him in a worse mood. And. . . well he's scared of something. So c'mon."

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