Visions Of Death

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Only a few weeks since Fives was killed and Y/n being brought back to the temple for further trial, it was quickly dealt with since Grand master Yoda had decided to take full responsibility for the boys actions along with Obi Wan who is Y/n's master after all, secondly Master Plo Koon and Kit Fisto had second this as they knew and fought with Y/n to know that he was never a threat and was only helping someone in need as he's always done

The days were only growing darker for the young Jedi as many now denounce him for his actions and feelings for another former Jedi, some believed he was the reason for Ahsoka's failures as a Jedi while many others see him as a threat to the Jedi order, he spent most of his time now in the now barren room as his things were taken away but luckily his most important stuff are at home, unfortunately he hasn't been able to leave the temple as he was under constant surveillance, temple guards were placed outside his room and at the temple entrance to provent him from leaving

Kai and Meetra would try and see their friend but he remained silent and unmoving as the time went by, he would think to himself about Ahsoka why would she leave and did she not love him anymore, Fives was constantly in his mind as he was the only friend who would lift up his spirits in times like this, but now, there's only images of him dying in his arms

As night fell Y/n laid in his bed looking up at the ceiling questioning his life and meaning, should he give up being a Jedi, could he give up trying to help people in need, why does the Jedi order now hate him, why am I so different, soon he drifted off to sleep but his dreams have been different of late, he's laying in a field laying next to Ahsoka who was smiling then all of a sudden it changed to an abandoned port on fire, Y/n stood up looking around in panic as two sinister yellow eyes looked back at him

Y/n jumped awake shaking and dripping in sweat looking around to realise he was now back inside his barren room, as the morning arrived Obi Wan came to collect him and they left for some training but Y/n was far from in the mood for training, Y/n was slow and unfocused as the probe droids kept getting direct hits, Obi Wan deactivated them and stood up from the bench that he was sitting on and walked over to his troubled apprentice

Obi Wan: You seem deeply troubled

Y/n: I'm fine, let's just, keep going

Y/n activates the droids and tries again to focus but keeps missing the shoots as they hit him repeatedly, Obi Wan could only watch on as he tries to get Y/n to open up

Obi Wan: It's Ahsoka, isn't it

Y/n remained silent

Obi Wan: Anakin is still having trouble himself

Y/n: Yeah well I wouldn't know since he hasn't talked to me since I blamed him for Fives

Obi Wan: What happened to your friend was unfortunate, but he's gone now Y/n, so is Ahsoka

Suddenly Y/n blasted the probe droids into the wall embedding them and turned to Obi Wan filled with anger trying not to shout at his master

Y/n: Yeah so is Satine! And now look, I have nothing

Obi Wan: You have me, Anakin, Padme, and we will help you if you let us

Y/n didn't know if he could believe him or wanted too, with a loud sigh he sat on the bench that Obi Wan was before and looked down at the ground

Y/n: All I see every time I close my eyes is Ahsoka and some yellow eyes and I don't know what it means

Obi Wan looked at him intrigued by this dream he sat down next to him remaining fixed on him trying to understand

Obi Wan: They are probably just dreams Y/n, but if you're still unsure, speak with master Yoda he has more knowledge on these types of things

Later on Y/n left for Yoda's chambers hoping to find some answers to his dreams that have been causing him trouble, Y/n rang the door which opened rather quickly, Yoda seemed to have been waiting

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