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I have no idea how I'm going to survive English this year, to have Minho seated next to me AND Professor Lee as a teacher. This year is going to be a hell of a ride.

I guess I'll just have to get on the good side of Professor Lee due to having a likable year. Florian did, so it must not be that hard.

Minho didn't talk much during English which is good for me but he for sure did not stop for a second, he looked like a kid. Always mumbling to some random music, barely writing what's on the board and always messing with my stuff.

Jake come get your kid, I swear to God.

And finally, PE was super chill, we barely did stuff the boys were playing football while we girls just got in groups and did nothing. Best class ever not gonna lie.

And with that, the first day of school was finally over.

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"I'm so happy today's over." I mumbled hoping onto my bed grabbing my stuffed animal hugging it.

"Omg, same." Said Misun sitting down on her bed making me look at her.

"Have you ever gone to their concert?" I asked out of the blue.


"Enhypen. Have you ever gone to their concert?" She nods smiling as if the concert passed before her eyes.

"It was so cool, it was the best time of my life. I went with my mum, it was the last good memory we had together." She sniffs.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I mumble getting what she said.

"It's ok Jennie, she's not suffering anymore." I nod.

"How was seeing Sunghoon?" I smirk making her squeal.

"Oh please, you have no idea. I don't think I've ever screamed for a man as I did for him in my entire life." I laugh.

"I imagine." She gets up grabbing her phone and towels.

"I need to take a shower." She stops midway in the living room.

"Okay, I'll go over to my brothers."  I ran out grabbing my shoes.

"Don't pass curfew time." She screams out as I close the door.

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"Guys!" I shout as I enter the guy's and Kitty's dorm taking off my shoes, but only seeing Kitty and Q in the living room. Taking a photo?

"Oh, where's everyone?" I asked jumping onto the cough making them look at me with smiles on their faces. "And what are you doing?"

"Well Jake and Minho went on a walk together, apparently Minho had to talk with him." Kitty shrugged. "And I was taking a photo with this board, it's a tradition in our family. My sisters also took one with this board. But Q came from GYM and is now helping me out." Kitty says proudly making me nod remember seeing LJ do the same when she was in our year.

"That's cool, I remember when LJ did that as well." Kitty nods.

"Who's LJ by the way? I keep hearing that name yet I know nothing about it." Q sits next to me handing Kitty's phone to her.

"LJ is my sister Lara Jean."

"Ohhh" Q turns to me. "Ji, you won't believe what happened."

"What?" He grabs my hands.

"Florian followed me on Instagram." He smiles brightly making me squeal. It was the first time Quincy had ever talked to me about something like this and seeing him just being this happy makes my heart flutter.

XO JennieWhere stories live. Discover now