jealous of the officer (colin zabel)

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request: Reader visits Colin just outside the crime scene to check up on him and maybe help him with like potential scenarios, people who might’ve known the victim, etc. Then reader went to talk to Mare while Colin was doing something maybe on a phone call and Colin noticed a police officer had joined in on the women’s conversation. The officer is being a bit flirty with the reader and Colin gets possessive and rushes into the group. Colin clearly speaking about his plans with the reader after his shift a bit too loud and giving obvious affection to her. Like grabbing at her waist, thighs, shoulders, arms, maybe a bit of her butt 😏, quick kisses, moving her hair out of her face. All the while Colin is glancing at the man with a death glare and the reader didn’t even notice a problem in the first place but starts to blush at his affection and gets closer and closer to Colin to hide her face. Signaling him “let’s go home and watch tv while cuddling cuz she’s getting a bit sheepish with all these ppl around” (Colin knows exactly what she wants when shes hiding her face without her even saying a word). And that’s all! ...

You drove down the road the radio playing the latest song that's number 1 you hummed along tapping your finger on the steering wheel as you drove to a crime scene to meet Colin, you pulled up turning off your engine pulling out your keys before exiting the car.

You spotted Colin right away talking with some other officers about the case. You caught his attention right away he let out a smile and waved you over with a small smile you walked over to your partner, "what happened?" You asked your arms folded trying to keep yourself warm, "woman been murdered in her own home" Colin said handing you his cup of coffee to keep you warm.

"Any suspects you can think of already?" You then asked you weren't really a detective but you always helped Colin on his cases with potential thing that could have happened, potential suspects etc. "We know she was married could have been the husband" Colin sighed rubbing his temples. "What about evidence already?" You went on to ask taking another sip of the coffee before giving it back to your boyfriend.

"We have her laptop and phone the husband is already in for questioning we'll go over her devices and look for clues what we know so for it was a crime of passion" Colin went on to inform you had a long thought about the case before coming up with a suggestion, "maybe she was having an affair the husband caught wind of it and went off on one" you suggested not wanting to completely jump on the band wagon about it.

"Potentially could be what happened guess we got to find out" Colin replied before his cellphone rang he excuses himself you took the time to talk with mare about the case, "Alright mini detective what's your suspicion?" Mare asked when she saw you coming over to her. "Well a crime of passion that's what I've been told, maybe a affair of some sort I don't know" you shrugged Mare nodded gazing around the scene till she saw another officer coming towards you both.

"Evening ladies" the officer smiled at you both but mostly you, you didn't notice it at first, he sent you winks as he spoke, "What's a girl like you doing at a crime scene?" They asked you shrugged before replying, "here to see the detectives".

"Well maybe we could grab dinner or something if you arent busy tonight" He offered then you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist with the scent of the cologne you immediately knew it was Colin, "actually she is she's coming home with me" colin said a little too possessivly not that you mind. placing a kiss on your cheek you didn't see the death stare Colin gave the officer but they looked taken aback.

"You okay babe?" He then asked you.

"Yeah just chatting to Mare and this officer" you replied realising you hadn't catch their name, "I just got a call from the chief we're keeping the husband in till he calms down then we'll question him" Colin told Mare who nodded noticing his jealousy towards the officer and you. He knew you didn't do anything wrong but he couldn't help but feel jealous.

Colins hands held your biceps giving them a little squeeze, you couldn't help but feel that little bit of electricity when Colin touched you even innocently, it would send you in a frenzy. "Detective zable we found this in the victims dresser" another officer called out holding a piece of paper, "mare would you mind" Colin asked his hands now dangerously close to your bum making you blush like crazy and hiding your face in colins chest luckily no one saw.

"Sure" mare said heading in to the house to look at the piece of evidence. Colin's gave your butt a little squeeze you couldn't help but blush even more and hide yourself futher into his chest.

Colin knew what that could mean when you blush and hide your face in his chest in public. That you wanted him and he didn't half want you either to teach you a lesson and to show the other officer your HIS and his only.

"Excuse me I'm going to take y/n home she's a bit sheepish with all these people around" Colin informed pushing a strand of your hair away whilst giving the officer a smug look. Taking your hand and guiding you to your car since he took a ride with mare today.

"That's a pretty colour on your cheeks" he teased pulling your car door open helping you inside, "Colin shush your the one who made me blush like a schoolgirl and now your teasing me" you whined putting your seat belt on.

"Well love I had to let that officer know that your mine" Colin shrugged before closing the car door and entering the driver side. That's when it finally hit you.

"You were jealous" you gasped.

"He was Flirting with you clearly and I had to let him know that your mine and I'm yours, anyway let's go home" he smirked starting the engine to go home for you both to have the time of your life.

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