Real Reason- Fate Rule

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Why Inn' came to marriage party... Apart from Simon, he didn't have a friend, right?


Everybody have friends. Everybody have friends even though they aren't closed, every person have people to point out he/she is my friend.

For Inn' he is one of them... Inn' barely remember this friend of his... And it's not even like he want to go party. But he is here. When Inn' received invitation, when he look the bride name, he want to go.

If he go, he will meet Wang and recreate sweet moment between them... Is that's a reason?

Maybe that's one his heart desire.

In reality he think Sasiwimol doesn't miss her dearest friend daughter marriage party. He want to see Sasiwimol...

After what happens before two years he doesn't have guts to face Sasiwimol. But now he want meet her for ask forgiveness, for both Wang and Simon.

Inn' already lose more things, but now he want to hold his friendship... At least he want forgiveness for peaceful mind...

But fate play the rule... He would met Wang instead of Sasiwimol...

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