Fugitives From Order

Start from the beginning

Y/n: No!

Y/n swung his arm and spread open his palm blasting the clones with the force for the first time since Ahsoka left knocking them unconscious leaving AZI speechless as Fives grabs a blaster

AZI: Look what you did! I cannot believe what you did!

Fives: I am not getting my mind erased,
and neither are you.

Suddenly the Kaminoan activated the alarm and the three ran back towards where they came from

Y/n: We're getting out of here!

AZI: Are we escaping?

AZI: Why are we here?

They entered the room and found the case, Fives opened it and found the chip was inside

Fives: I knew it!

Y/n: Nala Se switched the cases. She's trying to hide something.

AZI: Oh, the tumor? So we are going to
continue our research?

Fives: Yeah, the research, that's it. Now come on!

AZI: Whoa!

They took the chip and ran out of the room and heading towards the hanger, as they reached the hanger a clone pilot tried to stop them from entering a pod

Clone: I'm sorry, sir. All ships are locked down during the emergency.

Y/n: Oh? What about that one?

Fives threw a punch knocking out the pilot as more clones arrived for them

Clone: Hey! There they are!

Fives: Sorry, brother.

The three entered the pod and quickly launched it out of the hanger leaving Shaak Ti standing there watching as the pod disappeared out of view

Shaak Ti: I want them brought back!! Have that ship tracked.

Clone: Yes, ma'am.

Inside the pod Y/n prepared to open the hatch as Fives watched the sensors

Fives: Can you float?

AZI: I am buoyant and have several survival modes.

Y/n: Ah! Survival, eh?

Automated Voice: Autopilot
engaged. Navigation and orbit set.

AZI: Wait! What are you doing?
I thought we were escaping?

Y/n: Nope, this is a diversion. I need them to chase this pod while we go back and investigate the cause of Tup's death.

Fives: Any more questions, Doctor?

AZI: Actually, yes, now that you mention it...

Y/n grabs AZI and jumpa out of the pod soon followed by Fives and with a huge splash they landed, Y/n held onto AZI as his swimming wasn't that much better

Fives: AZI! AZI!

AZI: Now what?

Y/n: We're going back to figure out
why Tup died.

AZI: I can get us there much faster.

AZI suddenly transform it what looked like a scooter Y/n and Fives climbed onto the Droid looking suprised

Y/n: Oh! You're just full of surprises,
aren't you?

AZI: This is one of my various survival modes. I am equipped..

Fives: Droids.

AZI: A "thank you" would have been nice.

They flew across the ocean back towards the facility hoping that they were still looking for the pod, they flew upto a causeway where Y/n and Fives climbed up a ladder

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