Music to the MAX

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-Ryan's POV-

The next couple if days were spent avoiding Brendon as much as possible. Which wasn't easy seeing as he and I share almost every class together.

Music, my favourite subject, just became torture. Partners were formed and Mr. Whickham had put Brendon and I as 'singing buddies'. He also played the keyboard as I strummed the guitar.

"The Two Man Band." He called us. "But where is the drummer when you need one?"

I inwardly groaned when he said this but I could tell Brendon liked the idea of us being closer.

-Brendon's POV-

I really wish Ryan wouldn't make things awkward between us. Sure, I was flirtatious and stuff but who cares? Music was annoying cause he kept staring at me then looking away then staring again. But the worst part is he won't talk to me unless he has to!

Today was exceptionally worse cause, for some reason, he was a little more pissed off than usual. As soon as we say down to practice the song Mr. Whats-His-Name gave us, he snarled at me for singing it wrong.

"Is it your time of the month or something?" I ask, hoping to sound witty but concerned at the same time. FAIL.

"Just shut your mouth, Urie."


-Ryan's POV-

I regretted the words as soon as they were out of my mouth. He winced openly. I can be such an arse when I want to.

"Sorry, just... Family business." Hoping he'd buy the excuse I continued on.

"Anyway, your supposed to song it like this."

"He took the days for pageant

And became as mad as rabbits

With bushels of bad habits

Who could ask for anymore?

Who could have more?"

When I finished I looked at him for... I don't know what. Approval? Recognition? His opinion? I really don't know.

"Ok then." He picked up a guitar i hadn't noticed before and started to play.

"She held the world upon a string

But she didn't ever hold me

She spun the stars on her fingernails

But it never made her happy

Because she couldn't ever have me

She said she'd won the world at a carnival

But she couldn't ever win me

Because she couldn't ever catch me

I, I know why

Because when I look in her eyes, I just see the sky

When I look in her eyes, well, I just see the sky."

He stopped so suddenly. Why?

"You're staring, dude. Not cool."

I blinked. Had I been?

"Well that was pretty good. What's it called? I don't think I've heard it before."

"I wrote it myself." Ok, now that's a surprise.

"Who's it about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well the song tells of a girl wanting to date you, you aren't giving into her charm. Like a silly romance novel."

He laughed. "How dare you insult my work!" He said, playfully. I made an innocent expression.

"I'm not." Throwing my hands up in fake exasperation.

"I'm just saying that it resembles Twilight."

"Now that's just too far, buddy." His expression turned solemn but I continued to laugh and he eventually joined in.

Then I stopped. I just realized.

I was with Brendon Urie... And enjoying myself.

Rocked to Sleep -Rydon (Panic! At The Disco)Where stories live. Discover now