She stood up from the sofa and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Seviathan asked.

"I am not remaining on this boat for two days. I am going for a walk on dry land.

"Are you insane?"

Why would that be insane?

"Charlotte, this is obviouly a town of impoverished rednecks, hicks, and zealots who are bitter and resentful of people like us."

"Your point being?"

"They might hurt us."

"Oh please!" She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I don't want you going out there! If you want something to do, keep an eye on the taxidermist. Make sure he doesn't steal anything."

"I'm not doing that."

"Look I don't care what you do! Watch him, don't watch him! Sun bathe! Read! Re-organize your closet! Whatever! But you're not going off this yacht! And that's final!"

Charlie looked at him coldly.

"Now Moxxie, let the taxidermist in and show him my latest kill." Seviathan instructed.

"Yes sir." Moxxie said.

He exited the cabin and went on board deck to politely escort Alastor inside, they went down to the lower region of the yacht where the dead body of a shark had been currently kept frozen in an enormous ice box.

"Well what do you think?" Moxxie asked, after giving Alastor a moment to really examine his challenge.

"I can work with this." Alastor said with a chipper smile. "No problem. I'll get started on it right away, just let me wash my hands."

"The nearest bathroom is upstairs and it's the first room on the left."

"Thank you."

Alastor put down his tool box and went upstairs just as Moxxie had said. He was just coming around the corner on the left when he bumped right into Charlotte.

"Watch where you're going, you dunce!" She practically screamed at him.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry." Alastor said stepping away from her. "I wasn't expecting anyone else on board, but I guess with a boat this size, it can hold just about-"

But once he got a good look at her and realized who she was, he suddenly stopped cold. He stared at her as if he had just seen a ghost. His face became flushed and for a moment his heart was sent into an extreme case of pulsing speed, as his brain tried to register what his eyes were seeing.

Charlie. His Charlie. It was really her. He thought he'd never see her again. Oh she was as beautiful as he remembered her. Same soft blond hair though it was shorter now, same flawless, alabaster skin, same graceful form, and same striking silvery-grey eyes that were like ocean waves. Though her eyes now lacked that spark of true passion they used to have within and her face no longer bore that wonderful smile that he had never forgotten. A smile that was like the sun rising over a field full of mist. A smile that always expressed warmth and love.

"Charlie." He said when he could finally find his voice. "Charlie, it's so good to see you."

She didn't respond for what seemed like an eternity. She just stood there, looking at him. He thought he saw fear in her eyes, then the fear turned to ice.

"My name is Charlotte but the likes of you shall address me as Mrs. Von Eldritch."

For a moment Alastor thought that he might have misunderstood what she just said. Or rather he might have misunderstood her tone. Since when did she talk to people like that? Especially to him?

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