Bucky groaned, sliding out of bed. Nat kissed him on the cheek. "I'll meet you downstairs."

"Duly noted." Bucky muttered, and started to get dressed as she slipped out of the room.

📲🐭 ρỖ𝕧 𝕔ђᵃn𝔾ε 🧳😁

Tony was wide awake in the lab when the incoming call came in. He was tinkering with a new design for the Iron Man suit. This one would be able to go all the way up into space and survive for at least two weeks without a spaceship. Of course, he wouldn't actually have to be up there for two weeks, but it was cheaper than sending spaceships up to fix satellites.

Plus, it would be able to fight either the pull or the lack of gravity and instead of floating around in space, he would be able to control which way he could go. Or, in simple terms, the Mark XXXIX Iron Man suit.

"You have an incoming call from Director Fury." F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted him from the ceiling.

"Very well, answer it." Tony sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Stark." Fury said and it was the tone of his voice that made Tony actually pay attention to the call.


"I need you to get to the common room now. Please."

Fury sounded desperate, which was not a tone that Tony had ever associated Fury with. Normally, he was calm, he was collected. He laughed whenever he thought of danger and he didn't seem phased by anything.

Tony felt his stomach flip. Whatever was wrong, whatever had happened, it was bad.

Or it was personal.

"I'm on my way." Tony said, standing up from his stool. F.R.I.D.A.Y. hung up the call. "Hey Trang?" He called over to his assistant.

"Yes Mr. Stark?" The Vietnamese girl looked up from where she was working on her own prototype.

"I need an analysis on this suit. Can you compare yours to mine?"

"Sure thing Mr. Stark." Trang said, putting down her wrench and he quickly headed out of the lab, deciding to grab Stephen on his way up.

🤚🍏 ⓟO𝐕 𝒸ᕼάŇﻮ𝐞 💻❤️

Stephen yawned, finally putting the book he'd been pouring over all night away. He'd finished it in one night and now needed a good night's sleep in order to retain all of the knowledge. Well, not that he wouldn't remember a single thing if he didn't get a good nights sleep, but he wouldn't remember all of it and it would drive him crazy.

He pushed the chair back and got ready to create a portal when Tony came into the library.

"Hey Tony." Stephen said quietly, pulling Tony to him and the two of them kissed passionately. He groaned when he felt Tony's fingers twist in his hair. When the two of them pulled part, Stephen nipped at his bottom lip and then asked, "Are you going to come with me to bed?"

"I would love to," Tony said sincerely, "But Fury needs me. He sounds. . . I've never heard him sound like this before Steph. I really think I need to be there. I was going to ask if you wanted to join, but you need some sleep. I'll come and find you after the meeting is done."

Stephen shook his head, "No, I'll come with you. If things are bad, I want to be there with you."

Tony smiled. "Alright then. C'mon fancy wizard."

Stephen chuckled as Tony turned to leave the library. "C'mere love. We'll just portal up to the room."

"Oh yeah, sexy magic." Tony winked at him.

Undercover Sex Slave- Marvel Soulmate fanficWhere stories live. Discover now