Chapter 10: Shattered

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Jedi Knight Archie Ilaiah

My friends run in quickly with weapons in their hands and they're cautious of everything.

"I don't know what happened." I cough, getting up from the ground. "A couple more explosions have happened but they seem pretty distant—"

We hear—and see—another explosion. Korkie grabs my wrist and leads us all outside. Civilians are running in different directions, not knowing what to do in this trying time.

"This is a fucking disaster!" I stomp my foot, dust kicking up.

"Our scouts tracked them." Bo crosses her arms. "What's your plan?"

More explosions. We run to take cover with Jesse.

I warned you.

It doesn't matter. I won't let you hurt them!

We'll see.

"We confront them." I exhale roughly. "Then, we'll kill them or drive them out. Either way, we're taking this battle off of Mandalorian soil. That's final."


"What about our people?"

"We've done what we could." Ahsoka lays her hand on her shoulder. "At least Maul—the main focus—is gone."

"What if he comes back?"

"He won't. His plan failed. He didn't kill Anakin or Obi-Wan, and he didn't kill me or get me to come back to him. That's why Spear and Razer made this attack. They're so loyal and blind that they don't even know Maul is using them, and he didn't dare step foot on Coruscant—not that he'd ever. He's used your people, Death Watch, and his own blood. He has nothing left."

Bo-Katan considers my words, but my comm beeps.

"General Ilaiah?"

"Good to hear your voice, Omafa. What's the deal?"

"I think those Inquisitors are leaving. They're headed towards some shuttle."

"Get a tracker on that shuttle. Let them lead us to them. Right now, we need to save your people."

"Sure thing, Jedi." He comms out.

"Now, we just need to get you guys out of here." Bo-Katan surveys the area. Tons of blue, green, and yellow flies in the air. Blasts don't know where to go.

"Let's roll." Rex puts on his helmet and loads up his pistols.


Only two droids are there as security when Fives and Echo enter a chamber in the Battle Sphere.

"Here it is, Fives. The Separatist Encryption Chamber."

"Alright, Echo. Work your magic."

Suddenly, there was a strange noise—one that Fives recognized from the time he trapped Rex and Anakin so they'd listen to him explain the Chancellor's plot to destroy the Jedi.

"Magic is not real." Admiral STAG announces via hologram. "My ray shields are."

"Let us out!" Echo demands.

"Gladly." Fives aimed his blaster at the top of the ray shield emitter. Echo turns on his comm.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that. I've taken the precaution of ray-shielding the ray shields. You're not going anywhere."

"Tech, come in! We need—" But Echo is cut off as they both feel an electric shock.

"Silence." Admiral STAG orders as the clones drop to the floor in the ray shield. "I need silence."

Archie Ilaiah's Star Wars Quests: Book I: Vengeful EntityWhere stories live. Discover now