Ch. 12 Thor's Coronation

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Loki walks down the hallway and spots Thor alone, looking at the grand doors leading to the throne room with mixed emotions. He stops walking and stands beside his older brother.

" Nervous?" Loki asked.

Thor came to his senses and glanced at Loki.

" Pfft! Me, nervous? No, dear brother. I am exuberant!" Thor smiled. " Today is the day I am going to get crowned as King of Asgard," He pats Loki's back, causing his younger brother to stumble a bit. " Oops! Sorry," He apologized.

Loki composed himself and looked at Thor with slight annoyance.

" You do not fool me, brother. Not only am I the God of Mischief. I am also the God of Lies. I know you are lying," Loki shakes his head. " What is really on your mind?" He asked.

Thor pouted, internally cursing himself because Loki saw through his lies.

Thor looked at his treasured weapon, Mjölnir, with mixed emotions. " What if I am unfit to be King?" He asked.

" Thor. All of Asgard adores and admires you. They know you are a Mighty Warrior and an astounding Leader," Loki fondly stares at Thor.

Thor turns his gaze to Loki.

" Balder is more suitable to rule this Kingdom than me," Thor sighed.

" Even though you are the eldest of us three, All-Father must have seen something in you that he chose you as His Heir instead of Balder," Loki turns and puts his hands on Thor's shoulders. " I know I shouldn't have favorites, but I would rather have you as my King than Balder. Sure, he is the God of Light and Beauty. But, you have fought various battles more than he and I combined. And you even saved him from getting married by that awful Ogre King when we were teens," He chuckled.

Thor amusingly chuckled and nodded, his nervousness melting away.

" Thank you, dear brother. Even though you are the God of Lies, I know your words hold truth," Thor smiled.

" That's because my words come from the heart," Loki pulled his hands away from Thor's shoulders and lightly patted his chest with his right fist.

Thor nodded.

" Alright. Let's make our presence known," Thor turns to the grand doors and opens them.

Loki turns and sees his family and royal guests in the throne room, ready for Thor's coronation. He looks at the royal announcer, who bowed at him.

" His Royal Highness, Prince Loki Odinson, God of Mischief and Lies!" The royal announcer shouts.

Loki enters the throne room, bows to Frigga and Odin, and stands beside Balder. He puts his hands behind his back and smiles at Thor.

" His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Thor Odinson, God of Thunder!" The royal announcer shouts.

All the royal Asgardian cheered when they saw Thor entering the throne room. Thor stands before Frigga and Odin. He kneels with his head down, waiting for his father to tell him to stand.

" Silence!" Odin shouts, causing everyone in the throne room to be quiet.

Frigga looked at Thor and smiled.

" You may rise," Odin speaks, causing Thor to stand and look at him.

Thor's friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three: Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun smiled when they saw their beloved friend and Crown Prince stand before Frigga and Odin.

Thor looks at Frigga and winks at his mother. He then looks at his younger siblings and winks at them.

Loki smiled while Baldur playfully rolled his blue eyes.

Odin coughs, making everyone in the throne room stare at him.

" Today marks a special occasion, which in history will be written for the next generations to learn. Today, my eldest, my firstborn son, Thor, shall be crowned King of All Asgard. At such a young age, I saw my son become a Mighty Warrior and showed everyone that he could rule a massive Kingdom. Because of that, I bestowed him Mjölnir, a mighty weapon that will help harness his thunderous powers and be by his side when he becomes King," Odin speaks.

Thor's blue eyes intently stared at Odin. His right hand lightly pats Mjölnir, feeling happy that his hammer will be by his side when he becomes King.

Tears welled up in Frigga's blue eyes, feeling proud.

Loki beamed, feeling excited for Thor to become King of Asgard. Meanwhile, Balder blankly stared at Odin since he didn't like how his father favored Thor more than him.

" Thor!" Odin looks at Thor, causing his son to stand upright.

" Swear to everyone in this room that you will set aside your selfish ways so that you can protect all the Nine Realms as well as Asgard," Odin held his hands out so that everyone could look at Thor.

Thor looked at his surroundings. He saw Frigga, Loki, and Lady Sif smile at him and the Warrior Three giving him thumbs up. However, he felt nauseous when Balder looked at him with hidden envy.

Thor looks at Odin.

" I, Thor Odinson, Crown Prince of Asgard, swear to set aside my selfish ways so that I can protect all the Nine Realms as well as Asgard," Thor speaks.

Odin smiled at Thor.

Odin looks at his surroundings, ready to announce his eldest son as King of Asgard. However, he stopped when he sensed that the Frost Giants had sneaked into Asgard and entered his vault to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters.

Thor's blue eyes blinked, looking concerned, when Odin looked conflicted.

" Father?" Thor speaks, causing Frigga, Loki, and Balder to look at Odin.

" Odin?" Frigga gently touches Odin's shoulder, bringing him back to the present.

" Frost Giants! In Asgard!" Odin shouts, causing all the Warriors, including Thor, Loki, Balder, Lady Sif, and the Warrior Three, to pull out their weapons.

" Where?" Thor asked.

" The Royal Palace of Valaskjalf. They have come for the Casket of Ancient Winters," Odin responded.

Thor turns around and looks at all the Warriors.

" Come with me to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf!" Thor shouts, causing all the Warriors to chant, and they leave the throne room.

Frigga watched her three sons leave with a concerned gaze. She glanced at Odin, seeing her husband with a blank stare.

" Did they come for him as well?" Odin softly asked, thinking no one heard him, but Frigga heard him.

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