Ch. 2 Have you heard of Gramps yet?

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It is a hectic morning in Queens, New York, on Saturday, May 22, 2010. A twenty-nine-year-old female with long wavy dark brown hair and bright green eyes named Holly Stark is in her bedroom speaking to someone through a cell phone.

" Uncle Rhodey. Has there been any update on Dad's whereabouts?" Holly asked, sounding concerned while pacing back and forth.

" We are still searching for him, Holly," Holly's second Godfather and Uncle figure, forty-nine-year-old Colonel James Rhodes, responded.

Holly lightly grasped her cell phone, and she turned her gaze to her vanity station. Her bright green eyes intently stared at a moving portrait taken on December 24, 1990. Her last Christmas with her parental grandparents. Tears welled up in her bright green eyes when she saw her ten-year-old self sitting on her father's shoulders after she put the star on the Christmas tree.

" You almost got it, Pumpkin!" Thirty-year-old Tony Stark widely smiled when he saw his daughter about to put the star on the Christmas tree.

" Daaadd! We could have gotten Grandpa or Grandma, or Jarvis to use magic to put the star on the tree. Why do I have to do it?" Holly asked as she struggled to put the star on the Christmas tree.

" When I was your age, I got to put the star on the Christmas tree all by myself since you know I can't do magic like my folks and Jarvis," Tony responded. " And besides, it made me feel like I am important," He amusingly chuckled. " And I thought it be nice to keep this tradition by letting you put the star on the Christmas tree now," He fondly smiled.

Holly securely held the star, and she looked down at her father. Her bright green eyes intently stared at his chocolate brown eyes.

" Dad! You will always be important to me! I love you," Holly brightly smiled.

Tony bashfully stared at his daughter.

" God! You are so cheesy and cute? Then again, you are my kid. Giving compliments can get you everywhere in life, especially with the right people," Tony amusingly chuckles.

Holly giggled in response despite not understanding what her father was saying, but she was glad to make him smile.

Holly looks away by lifting her head, and she uses all of her strength in her short arms to put the star in the Christmas tree.

" Dad! Dad! Dadd! I did it! I did it!" Holly cheered.

" Great! See! I told you that you could do it without magic," Tony teases.

Footsteps walking down the stairs to the living room grabbed the father and daughter's attention. They turned and widely smiled when they saw sixty-seven-year-old Maria Stark and seventy-three-year-old Howard Stark walking towards them.

" Grandma! Grandpa! Look! Look! I put the star in the Christmas tree," Holly excitedly points at the star.

" Amazing. It looks beautiful, Sweetheart," Maria fondly smiled at her granddaughter and son.

" I agree," Howard nods his head in response.

Tony proudly stared at his daughter and then at his parents, feeling joyous since having his daughter in their lives has made Christmas so much better.

A knock on the door grabbed the family's attention, and they turned, seeing sixty-three-year-old Jarvis walk towards the front door and open it, revealing the photographer.

" Excellent! The photographer is here. Howard, honey, go stand next to Tony," Maria gently pushed her husband so that he could go stand next to their son.

Tony's Precious Treasure [HP x Marvel Fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant