Ch. 1 The Preface

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Deep in a cave in Afghanistan sat two men on boulders eating a bowl of beans, rice, and Naan bread. They were taking a break from building something magnificent that could save their lives from their captors.

" Dr. Yinsen. Where are you from?" A forty-nine-year-old man named Tony Stark asked his companion.

" I am from a small town in Afghanistan called Gulmira. I have my wife and two children waiting for me to come back home," Dr. Yinsen responded while taking a small sip of his water from his canteen.

" What about you, Stark?" Dr. Yinsen lifts his head to stare at Tony.

Tony's chocolate brown eyes intently stared at the bowl of food in his grasp.

" I-I have a daughter waiting for me to come back home," Tony whispered while closing his chocolate brown eyes, and he began to remember the day he became a father.

It was a rainy evening at Stark Manor in Manhattan, New York, on Tuesday, November 3, 1981. A twenty-three-year-old Petunia Dursley nee Evans stepped out of a taxi with an umbrella in one grasp and a baby carrier in the other.

Petunia's blue eyes widened in surprise when she saw Stark Manor. She turns her gaze slightly, and she silently stares at her one-year-old niece, Holly Maria Potter.

" You should consider yourself lucky that you will get to live in such a lovely lifestyle," Petunia whispers. " Because if you were living with me, Vernon would have put you in the cupboard underneath the stairs," She mumbled.

" Ma'am! Are you going to pay me cash?" The taxi driver asked, interrupting Petunia.

Petunia annoying rolled her blue eyes. She moved the umbrella to her other hand, the same hand holding her niece's baby carrier.

Petunia's hand rummaged through her purse, and she smiled in relief when she found some cash. She pulls out the money and turns to the driver.

" Thanks. Keep the change," Petunia speaks since she believes that she would soon become wealthy after dropping her niece off to her biological father.

The taxi driver wished Petunia a good evening, and they drove away.

Petunia turns her gaze back to Stark Manor. She is still surprised that her Freakish younger sister has managed to enchant the most Wealthiest Bachelor in America to sleep with her and have a child with the said Bachelor.

" At least I can get money out of this. It would benefit my family alot," Petunia beamed, thinking that what she was doing was the right thing.

" Then again, in that letter, Lily did say she wants her precious daughter to get raised by her biological father if something were to happen to her and her Freakish husband," Petunia mumbled while walking towards the gated entrance.

Petunia stopped walking, and she pressed a red button next to an intercom. Soon a camera near her turned to stare at her.

" Good evening, this is Jarvis, speaking. May I know your reason for visiting the Stark family?" An elderly British masculine voice speaks.

Petunia turned her gaze to the speaker, and she brightly smiled.

" Good evening! My name is Petunia Dursley. May I speak to Mr. Tony Stark, please? It is very urgent," Petunia formally speaks.

" Forgive me, Mr. Tony Stark is busy at the moment," Jarvis responded.

" Please! Please! You have to let me see Mr. Tony Stark! I have something very, and I mean very important, that belongs to him," Petunia begs while glancing at her niece's baby carrier.

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