The Carriage Scheme

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Y/n POV:
After the musical moment, we all follow Vinnie back to an Allyway to the tent, trying to catch up. Back in the tent, Stone sat down, smoking with his usual cigarette, Skipp with glee playing his air Madeline, Vinnie grabbing a stick from the tent, while me just sit down, like one foot away from stone. As Vinnie sat down, she elbowed me to scoot over closer to Stone, which I kind of bumped into him. I mumbled "Sorry" him, even though he didn't mind.

But what's really districting me, was yesterday. When we....kind of..cuddled together. Even then moment when we're going to kiss.
Stone is like...almost trying to forget about...well you know. Maybe he doesn't....deci-

Vinnie started drawing a map of the town square market play. "Alright everyone, this new scheme is going to be better than I thought." she pointed it out. "So...How is this going to be different again?" Stone asks, already bored and still tired. "Because Y/n, Dumdum!" Vinnie shouted at him. "Oh right, Y/n. I forgot to ask, ya got acting skills?" Vinnie questioned. "I guess so..." I mumble a little bit because I never really acted in my life, and I can't be willing to tell them that. But I'll try without letting fear stopping me."Okay, let's do it!" Vinnie cried out. "Ugh." Stone grunted in boredom.

Still Y/n POV:

Once all the towns people showed up, it was time to take action. Stone was passed out drunk or something, in the middle of the road and the carriage. while Skipp, Vinnie, and I were hiding in the crowd of towns people. I was confused about this scheme but I had to be it. A man in a small top hat, driver of the carriage, started gesturing stone, "I'm telling you! He ran into my carriage!" The familiar lady in a blue dress steps up, responds to him, "You're going to have to report it either way." She says crossing her arms.

"What'll the police care? It's just another street kid..." Once the brutal words slipped out of his mouth, the crowd gasps in shock, and started gathering responses of anger

The man in the top hat, sweats but shouts back at them "QUIET!!!" He turned back at Stone, worried and full of shame.

"You know what? He's fine. He's probably fine." As he picks up Stone, his body is a complete limp, they definitely have done this scheme before. I thought. Then the man shakes him violently, "YOU'RE OK, RIGHT?!" He yells at him, not as loud as Skipp.

There was a short silence untill the man spoke, "He's says he's great!" Then Stone's body flopped with a splat into a a small paddle. "Ok Y/n, let's do this." Skipp whispered to me. "HEY!!" Vinnie shouted from the crowd, which it cost me to flinch. The man conscience his hands up in fear of getting arrested. "What's going on???" Vinnie says while pushing the people, roughly for Skipp and I. "Oh no! Stone!" Skipp says. I need to try getting into the scene, so I started stepping towards Stone, to my knees.

"He's hurt!" Skipp says putting his hands on his cheeks, acting worriedly. Vinnie turned to the man, angerly "What did you do to him?!" Says eagerly.

Skipp ran towards me and Stone, to help. "I just- I mean- He jumped in front of me and-" the man stutters trying to explain. "Shoot, Dude! Ya ran him over, didn't you!?" Vinnie says glaring at the horse, who was sweating in shame or embarrassment. "And now you're trying to drown him." Turned to Skipp, who's dunking Stone's face into the paddle, pulling by his hair.

That caused me to turn to Skipp. I rest his head on my knees, while Skipp talks to Vinnie. "We need a doctor!" Vinnie strugs "We can't afford a doctor, Skipp." I put my head on Stone's chest, which is kind of warm, but I need to stay focused.

"But I..." I turn to stone, acting worriedly yet sadly, "But I don't want to see Stone die...." I started to fake cry, little soft tears started to form into my eyes to my cheeks. Maybe I wasn't bad at acting than I thought. While I'm kind of getting the hang of it, the crowd looks sad and empathetic for me and Stone. Vinnie turns her head swiftly back to the man, angry and feeling like she going to kill him.

"How are you gonna fix this?" She says raising an eyebrow, crossing her arms.


Word count : 802 words

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I hope your guys enjoyed the chapter. Next one coming soon or later. Happy Reading!!📖😊✏️💕

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