"I can" She says looking down at the floor.

"You didn't" Sirius looks at her with sadness in his eyes having done a similar thing. 

"I did" She whispers as James wraps her in a hug.

"Hey Harry" He looked up from where he was sat with Hermione and Ron in the common room to see Fred and George. 


"You seen Rory" The look at him concern on both their faces.

"Not since this morning" 

"Alright if you see her let us know" They then head out of the common room as Harry turns back to Ron and Hermione. 

"What's going on with Rory at the moment" Hermione asks looking at Harry who shrugs.

"How stupid can you be, it's pretty obvious those twins are concerned yet you didn't think anything of it" Regulus says looking at Rory and Sirius.

Hermione continued to receive hate letters for weeks and eventually stopped opening them. The whispering about Rory continued along with the taunting of the Slytherins. She'd pulled away from the twins barely speaking or spending time with them opting to just hang out in her dorm alone. The end of the Easter holidays was coming around far to fast meaning back to lessons and being able to avoid people less for her. The rumours around Hermione seemed to have nearly stopped but Rory's were still in full swing as she walked through the corridors heading towards the forbidden forest with her head down hoping to not get noticed.

"Rory" Fred called as she tried to ignore him but he grabbed her turning her to face him.

"Oh hey Fred. Where's George?"

"Detention" he says as he guides her towards one of the secret corridors to Hogsmeade.

"Fred I was kinda in the middle of going somewhere"

"The forest. I know that's where you go so does George. This isn't healthy, shutting yourself away this is what you did last time and we've let it go on too long"

"I'm not shutting myself away. I've just been busy with homework and things"

"Molly I'll say it again, I'm spoiling those twins" James said smiling at Molly.

"You don't do homework. Plus Charlie wrote to us. You haven't been writing to him and he's worried. You never shut him out that's how we know it's time to step in"

"I have been talking to Charlie"

"Yeah 2 words every so often isn't really talking is it Rory. When was the last time you spoke to Remus or Sirius. Hell you won't even talk to me and George and we're your best friends" he continues to lead her further down the corridor until they reach Hogsmeade.

"What are we doing here Fred"

"You won't talk to me. But you'll talk to him" he points at the person leaning against a wall. "Charlie" his head snaps up to look at them.

"Charlie" Marlene says nearly cheering.

"Hey Fred thanks for the letter" he says walking over to them. Rory walks straight into him wrapping her arms around him as he does the same.

"I actually approve of this boy" Sirius says as James nods in agreement. Rory just buries her face in Remus's side as he wraps his arms around her.

"Help her. I'll see you later Rory" Fred says as he walks away leaving Rory with Charlie.

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