"Sir she needs Professor Lupin" Dumbledore nods as he leads Rory to his office.

"Thank you Mr Weasley I'll take it from here" George looks at Rory who nods telling him it's okay as he turns to leave. "Aurora, you need to breath" He says leading her to the fireplace. 

"Most useless bit of advice I've ever had" Rory mumbles.

"I'm trying to control it" She spits out between clenched teeth. He takes a handful of floopowder and throws it into the fire before saying.

"12 Grimmauld place. Walk straight into the fire I will follow after" Doing as he say's Rory enters the fireplace and end up in a living room.

"Hell no not that place" Sirius says as Regulus nods in agreement with his brother.

"What was that" A voice shouts as two people run in.

"Rory" She looks up to see Remus as Dumbledore comes through the fire behind.

"Hello Sirius, Remus we have something's to sort out" Remus looks down at Rory as her hands start to glow and she starts to panic. 

"Rory. Listen to me. I need you to concentrate on creating a shield with the power. Concentrate on that only" Remus says crouching in front of her.

"What if it doesn't work and I hurt you" 

"She's still worried about everyone else rather than herself" Molly says looking at Rory sadly.

"You won't. Now I need you to do it before you hurt yourself" She does as he says and a large shield appears, pushing everything away that's not inside of it before it disappears.

"Yes" Regulus and Sirius cheers at her destroying part of their mother's house.

Remus pulls Rory into his arms lifting her with him as he stands before turning to Dumbledore. "You need to start talking what the hell has happened" 

"I think we should all sit down to talk about this" Dumbledore says in his calm voice as he fixes the furniture back into place before taking a seat. Remus leads Rory to the sofa sitting her between him and Sirius, his arm still around her as Sirius takes her hand in his. 

"Talk then" Sirius says in a slightly annoyed voice his eyes searching Rory's with concern.

James sends Sirius and Remus a thank you smile before looking back at the screen.

"Well as I'm sure you know the Triwizard Tournament is taking place at Hogwarts" 

"Yes but Rory's too young so what does that have to do with it" Remus says.

"Harry's name came out" Rory whispers.

"You what" Sirius shouts "What are you doing about this Dumbledore, he's too young"

"The rules are there he has to compete it's a magical contract I can't do anything about it I'm afraid" Dumbledore says calmly.

Everyone turns to glare at Dumbledore.

"You need to fix it" Sirius shouts again as Dumbledore gets up to leave. 

"I'll be leaving Aurora here for the next week. I don't feel like the school is the right place for her at the moment. I will send all her school work along and her trunk as well. If you could bring her back to the school next Sunday" He said before leaving. 

"He's scared of her" Remus days looking at Dumbledore.

"Rory" She looks up at Sirius "You okay?"

"Of course I am" 

"The truth now would be good"

"No I'm not okay, I lost control I could of hurt one of you two or someone else" 

"You won't hurt anyone Rory" 

"You don't know that Pad's. These powers are dangerous look around this room's destroyed"

"Well you did me a favour on the room to be quite honest. We're only in this godforsaken house because it means we can get to you quickly if we need to or you can get to us like tonight"

"Wait what"

"This is my childhood home" 

"Pad's you hate anything to do with your family why would you come here" She looks at him. 

"I'd do anything for you and Harry even come here"

"Pad's I'm not worth that. You can't be happy here. You told me last year you hated this house" 

"There's the self doubt again. Rory you're amazing why did you feel like that do often" Euphemia says smiling sadly at Rory.

"I still do most of the time" James hugs her tightly as Lily comes to do the same from her other side.

"Rory. Don't you dare even think like that you're worth every bit of it. Come on let's get you to bed so you can get some sleep and we'll talk about it more tomorrow" She shakes her head at him. 

"Rory what do you need" Remus asks looking at her with concern.

"I don't need anything" She looks down at her hands before continuing "I still can't sleep without nightmares especially if I'm alone. I've been switching between Fred and Georges beds to get any sleep or we've all just fallen asleep in the common room" 

"Oh Wolf. Come on I'll get you a dreamless sleep potion. We got a few stocked up for when you come here just in case" Remus says standing

"They're so prepared for her"

"Come on I'll show you to your room" Sirius says standing holding his hand out for her.

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