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"I'll call you later mum" I say before hanging up and breaking down into tears.

"What's wrong?!" Gio says walking into the kitchen after she's just got home. She walks over and stands in front of me.

I don't say anything, I just lean into her chest and ball my eyes out. She puts her arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"Ellie, what happened?" She says more calmly than before.

"My mum called, they've got a date for my dad's funeral."

"That's a good thing right?"

"Yeah but....it's on his birthday" I say through tears.

"Oh Ellie." Gio tightens her arms around me. "Come on, Leah is sitting in the living room worried, she could hear you crying."

We walk back to living room together. When we get there, Leah is sitting on the edge of the sofa with her knee bouncing up and down. As soon as she sees me she stands up and hugs me tightly.

"What happened? All I heard was you crying"

"Sorry, my mum called to let me know they've got a date for my dads funeral. Whilst we're on the subject though, I do have a question to ask both of you."

"Sure" they say in unison.

"Will you come with me? I'm not sure I can go by myself, I don't think I can do it."

"Of course we will my love, it would be a pleasure." Gio says kissing my cheek and then putting her arm around my waist.

The three of us spend the rest of the evening making dinner and watching tv shows, our new favourite being Gilmore girls.

We decided to have an early night so at around 9 we all made our way to the bathrooms to take out make up off and then get changed into our pyjamas.

For the past couple of weeks Gio has been wearing my clothes to bed but by the end of the week that will all change and she will be able to sleep in her own clothes.

Although I'm sure she'll nick plenty of my clothes.

Once we are finished, I say goodnight to Leah and then walk to my bedroom to find Gio already lying in bed wrapped up in the covers. I get in the bed myself and snuggle up to her. I give her a quick kiss before letting my eyes close and my mind drift off to sleep. And not long later Gio does the same.

However, I'm woken up again about an hour later by someone tapping on my shoulder.

"Hello?" I say lifting my head up, confused and still half asleep.

"It's me." I can immediately tell it's Leah.

"What's wrong Le?" I say becoming more aware of my surroundings.

"I can't sleep. I keep thinking about Jordan." She says whimpering like a helpless child.

"Shh hey it's okay. Come here." I hold out my arms and invite her into the bed.

She gets in and I wrap my arms tightly around her. She sobs into my chest and curls herself up into a ball. I rub my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down. But she doesn't stop crying.

"Leah it's okay," I say kissing the top of her head.

"I just miss her. I know you don't agree but I can't help it. And ever since she messaged me it's brought back all the feelings I have for her and now I can't get her out of my head. I don't want to miss her, but I do."

"I get it, listen, we can't help who we fall in love with. We can talk about it more tomorrow, for now please try and get some sleep, you need it."

"sorry for keeping you awake." She says sadly.

"No no, it's okay. Honestly it's not a problem, I'm glad you came to me."

She sighs and then goes to speak, but stops herself and nestles her head back against my chest.

"What's it is Le?" I say moving her hair out of her face.

"I just...miss how it used to be."

"I know love, I know." I hug her tighter. There isn't much more I can say to Leah, all I can really do now is be there for her.

Leah sighs again and starts to fiddle with the hem of my pyjama top to distract herself from being sad.

I notice she does this a lot. If she is sad or worried or whatever she will fiddle something around in her hands to try and stop herself thinking about the situation. I don't know if it actually works or not but it seems to make her feel more calm.

We lie together, I hold her tight and continue to run my hand up and down her back.
A/n: who do see Leah ending up with? Jordan? Someone new?

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