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As always we arrive at the stadium, put our things in the changing room and go for a pitch inspection before we have to start getting ready for the match. I'm walking round with Gio and it's just the two of us.
"Can I ask you a question?" I say looking at the grass.
"Of course, gorgeous." She says linking our arms.
"Are we telling people about this?"
"About what?"
"Well, about us."
"I don't mind. Do you want to?"
"Not really. I don't want to hide it or anything, but I don't think we need to announce it to the whole team, if you know what I mean."
"Yeah of course, we can let people figure it out on their own."
"Yeah. Thanks."
"No problem." She says giving me a quick kiss on the side of my head.
"How's your leg?" I ask, kind of desperate for an answer.
"Fine." Gio replies getting slightly defensive. I can tell she doesn't want to talk about it and I don't want to upset her before the game so I decide to just leave it.
"Okay then." I say and we carry on walking, talking about the odd thing here and there.

Once we've finished our lap of the pitch we head back inside and go to the changing rooms to get into our kit and pre match training tops. The team and I head out onto the pitch and start warming up along side the Hoffenheim team opposite us. We spend about half an hour warming up and getting ready for the game. We stretch for a final time before all running back to the changing room to get changed once again, although this time all we have to do is switch into our match tops with our names on the back. Unsurprisingly, Gio and I are subs so we also put on zip up tops and bibs. We then walk out to the subs bench together and wait for kick off. Now it's go time.

KICK OFF : Arsenal Vs Hoffenheim


So here we are, first game of the women's champions league this season, and it's Arsenal facing Hoffenheim. The referee blows her whistle and Stina Blackstenius gets this game underway. And what a start for the Arsenal! Just barely a minute gone and Arsenal have the lead!

1' GOAL 🟥 : Stina Blackstenius

Lia Walti spotted Stina Blackstenius making a run through the middle of Hoffenheim's defence after she'd kicked off, and she played the ball directly through to her. Blackstenius was left in a 1v1 with the Hoffenheim goalkeeper, and she was never in doubt. She easily dribbles around the keeper and smashes the ball into the back of an empty net.

The referee blows her whistle and the game restarts.

Oh what a mistake!

3' GOAL 🟥 : Vivianne Miedema

Hoffenheim's keeper attempted to pass to one of her defenders, but it was easily intercepted by Vivianne Miedema who takes a touch out of her feet and slots it into the side netting. Two early goals for arsenal are them leading 2-0 with less than 5 minutes gone!

The referee blows her whistle and once again the game restarts.

HALF TIME : Arsenal 2-0 Hoffenheim

The rest of the half calmed down a bit, we still were playing good football, but we relaxed and took the pressure off a bit.
"Right girls," Jonas says to everyone in the changing rooms, "we've released the pressure a bit and we've relaxed a bit too much. We need to fire this game back up and get it going again. Keep the ball moving and keep it fast pace, tire them out. This game is all us, keep it that way." We all nod our heads and then walk back out to the pitch. "Go warm up, your coming on soon." He says tapping Gio and I on the shoulders. I grin at Gio and she grins back.

We quickly warm up, put our shin pads on and take off our training tops and bibs and then we are ready to go. We both walk over to the assistant referee and wait for her to put our numbers up on her board.

SUB : ➡️ Elenor Lewis
            ⬅️ Beth Mead

SUB : ➡️ Gio Queiroz
             ⬅️ Stina Blackstenius

As Stina and Beth walk over they give us both a quick hug and then walk over to the subs bench. Gio and I jog onto the pitch and take our places.

The players have come back out ready for the second half to begin, and there have been substitutions for both teams. A defensive change for Hoffenheim and a couple of attacking changes for Arsenal. Hoffenheim kick us off and the second half begins.

A lovely, long switch pass from Williamson to Lewis . Lewis dribbles down the wing with Kim Little and Lia Walti in support with her.
But she decides to go alone, she dribbles into the box and skips past 2 defenders, lines up her shot...and it's in! Elenor Lewis with Arsenal's third!

47' GOAL 🟥 : Elenor Lewis

The game continues and it is now 3-0 to Arsenal, surely Hoffenheim have no way back? And can Arsenal add to their score?

Arsenal pass the ball around patiently, slowly making their way up the pitch. Lewis has the ball out on the left, but she is advancing into the box. She puts a looping cross in, aimed at the back post...and Gio is there to tap it home! Four for the Arsenal, they just can't be stopped!

55' GOAL 🟥 : Gio Queiroz

And the ref blows her whistle here in Switzerland, the score Arsenal four, Hoffenheim nil.

FULL TIME : Arsenal 4-0 Hoffenheim

Everyone walks back into the changing rooms and Leah puts some music on.
"Well done," Gio says sitting down next to me and putting her arm around me, squeezing my side. "Thanks for the assist."
"Thanks, anytime." I say smiling at her. I lean into her and she kisses the top of my head. I'm sitting next to my phone and it starts vibrating, someone's calling me.
"Hang on, my mums calling me" I say standing up. "Back in a sec." I give Gio a quick kiss before walking outside to have some privacy.
A/n: do you like the in depth description of the matches or would you rather me just briefly talk about them and only really include the results? Let me know!

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