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I race over to my family and jump over the barrier. I immediately hug my parents and grandparents so tightly, although I hug my grandad especially tight. He's always been the biggest arsenal fan and he's also always been my biggest fan. He believed in my when no one else did, he's the reason I'm making it pro now. He is crying which sends me and now I'm in tears and struggling to speak a little bit. I just wrap my arms around him and hug him as tight as I can. "You've done me proud girl, you've done me very proud" he says looking down at me and smiling at me. I wipe away my tears and see a tall, skinny guy and a small girl holding a hot dog running over to us.

"Indi!!" I shout, holding open my arms. India runs over to me and jumps into my arms, I scoop her up and hug her.
"Well done" she says smiling.
"Thank you"
"Hot dog?" She hold her hot dog out in front of me.
"If you don't mind" I say and take a bit off one end.
"Hey! That was my end!" I just laugh and put her down, moving my attention to the other guy who walked over with her.
"Ben?!" I say hugging him. I haven't seen him nearly 3 months. "I didn't think you'd be here, don't you have school?"
"Yeah, but I couldn't miss this could I?"
"I missed you" I hug him again, tighter this time.

I'm chatting with India when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"Hey baby, I'm so proud of you" Luke says behind me, with his arms snaked around me.
"Thank you" I say turning my head and giving him a kiss. "And thank you for coming"
"Pleasure. Ruby is here too." He points at the girl walking over to us.
"Ruby!" I shout and run up to her.
"Ellie!" She also shouts, hugging me. We walk back over to my family and everyone says hello to her.We talk for a bit before I notice Leah walking over.
"Hey" she says smiling.
"Hey, guys this is Leah," I say to my family since Ruby and Luke have met Leah before. "She's the one whose been looking after me and helping me settle in. She's one of my roommates too."
"Hi nice to meet you all. I really sorry but we have to get ready to go Ellie"
"Oh. Now?"
"Yeah, sorry. Everyone can all come back to our house for dinner though?" Leah says to my family.
"That would be lovely, thank you." My mum says smiling at Leah and I.
"Ok! I just need to change and get my things and then I'll be ready. Do you guys want to drive to the apartment and we'll meet you there? Luke and Ruby know the way and I'll give you my keys."
"Okay, we will see you in a bit then, but no rush"
"Thanks mum" I go to walk off but someone pulls my arm back.
"Can I speak to you after?" Ruby says quietly.
"Yeah sure. Wait here and I'll meet you when I'm done. Everything okay though?"
She hesitates before she speaks. "I'll explain it later, go and get ready."

Leah and I walk back to the changing rooms and she can tell somethings up.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, Ruby said she has to talk to me about something and the way she was talking about it I really don't think it's good"
"I'm sure it will be fine. I think it's probably important and something you should know."
"Yeah, we'll see"
"If it is bad, come and find me alright?"
"Ok thanks" Leah wraps and arm around me and then we both walk into the changing rooms. I have a quick body shower so that I don't smell and then I get changed into joggers, a T-shirt and Leah's blue hoodie.
"I'll be back in a sec I need to talk to Ruby" I say.
"Okay, I'll wait in the car for you."
"Okay" I look down at the ground, not moving.
"Ellie? Are you going to go?"
"Yeah, yeah I am."
"Just go and get it over and done with, it will be fine" Leah says wrapping an arm around me.

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