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Rivers POV

It hadn't been long since (y/n) left and the house didn't feel as bubbly with her gone. Something about her being here gave home an extra sense of calmness but with a fun little buzz hovering in the air.

Bored of sitting in silence I decided to go bother my brother while he was editing. I made my way to our computer room and plonked on my chair, wheeling my way next to him.

"Sup?" Ryan nodded not looking away from his screen.
"Nothing." I responded. I watched him edit for a bit, scrolling through my Twitter feed when he broke the silence.
"I kinda miss (y/n)." He spoke, taking me a little by surprise.
"It's dumb but I kinda miss her too." I responded.
He turned to me, looking away from the editing he was doing. "What was up with you when she first arrived dude?" He pulled one side of his headphones aside to expose his ear.
"What do you mean?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at him.
"You were all weird, kinda froze up, what happened?" He continued.
"I don't know what you mean." I shrugged looking back at my phone.
"Come on Riv, you know exactly what I mean." He pushed.
I exhaled heavily and locked my phone before placing on his desk.

"Honestly I don't know.." I trailed off.
"I think I do." He scoffed and turned back to the screen.
"Okay genius, go on then." I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair waiting for his response.
He rolled his eyes at me then took his headphones off, placing them above his keyboard on the desk. "Dude I know you, anytime you see a girl who sparks your interest you freeze up and don't remember how to function."
"I really don't know what you're talking about." I think I was trying to convince myself at this point. (Y/n) is a fan, that just doesn't happen.
"River, you found her interesting, you found her attractive and you didn't know what to do. Just like when you met your ex." He reminded me.

I started to think back the time I met my ex, he was right. I froze up, I freaked out and I couldn't focus. As if this could be happening again, it was so long ago and I really didn't think I could fall again.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples feeling a stress headache coming on because I think he really is right.
"I gave her your number by the way." He snorted to himself, putting his headphones half back on and returning to his editing.
"You what?!" I half yelled.
"I gave her your number." He repeated looking at me.
"Why would you do that.." I asked softly beginning to feel my heart beat pick up speed.
"So you guys would talk, she's pretty cute." He smiled.

I almost felt annoyed that he'd called her cute. I snapped myself out of it and went to argue back with him when he interrupted me. "Here's her number. Message her." He passed his phone to me, her name sprawled across the top of his screen. It felt like I had butterflies swarming in my stomach when I read it. I discreetly smiled to myself hoping Ryan wouldn't catch it and snuck her number into my phone. "Maybe." I nodded.
"Don't be a pussy dude, just do it." He shook his head and took his phone back.
"Fuck you." I half chuckled, satisfied with the outcome of our conversation.

I got up from my chair and walked to my bedroom, plopping myself on the bed where she slept last night. I smiled at the thought of her making my bed before she left when I noticed something shining on my bedside table.

I looked over and saw a chunky silver ring, it was (y/n)'s. I took this as a sign to message her, making it seem like I was just telling her she left something behind.

hey (y/n), you left your ring on my bedside table. It's River by the way, Ryan gave me your number when I found it.

I placed my phone down beside the ring on my bedside table and layed back, staring at the ceiling. I found myself getting lost in my thoughts when my phone chimed.

hey Riv, I was wondering where that went, I'll send you my address so you can post it to me so I don't come bother you guys.

I smiled at the fact that she called me by my nickname and began typing.

River: It wouldn't be a bother if you came back here to pick it up, but if you'd rather I can post it to you.

(Y/N): I mean I'm not too far away but just so I don't over step any boundaries, yknow fans and content creators, maybe you should just post it.

R: okay I can do that, send your address whenever you're ready. :)

She sent me her address and I looked it up on google maps, she wasn't wrong, she really isn't far away. Only 20 minutes.

I thought to myself that maybe I could drive there and drop it off to her, the idea seemed dumb at first but maybe it would be nice to see her again already.

I walked back downstairs ring in hand to grab my keys and drive to her. "I'll be back soon! Just going for a drive to clear my head." I called to anyone who was listening.

I got in my car, put her address in maps and began driving. I usually go for drives to clear my head so I knew it wouldn't create any suspicion so it felt like the best excuse.

Halfway through the drive I snapped back to reality, what  am I doing? I'm just going to show up to this girls house and give her a ring then leave? Maybe I should turn around and go back home, but I'm already half way. "Fuck it!" I whispered to myself.

I continued driving and pulled up to her place not long after my internal debate. I parked on the street opposite her house when I saw her. She was walking out the front door, throwing away her garbage. I almost forgot how to breathe for a moment and had to look away to refocus my breaths. I exhaled heavily before turning the car off as I watched her walk inside.

I got up out of my car, locking it behind me and staring at the house. Let's do this I guess.

A/N: I don't know what happened to the text and I can't figure out how to fix it so we're going to roll with it. Part 7 coming soon!

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